

(async) fillContactForm(contactType, action, …answers)

Loads and fills a contact form with the appropriate action
Name Type Attributes Description
contactType string Type of contact that should be created
action string one of 'create' or 'edit'
answers Array.<string> <repeatable>
Provide an array for the answers given on each page. See fillForm for more details.

Type Definitions


Name Type Description
fields Array.<Field>
cards Array.<Card>
context Context


An object describing an error which has occurred while filling a form.
  • Object
Name Type Description
type string A classification of the error [ 'validation', 'general', 'page' ]
msg string Description of the error


An object describing the result of filling a form.
  • Object
Name Type Description
errors Array.<FillError> A list of errors
section string The page number on which the errors occurred
report Object The report object which resulted from submitting the filled report. Undefined if an error blocks form submission.
additionalDocs Array.<Object> An array of database documents which are created in addition to the report.


cht-conf-test-harness provides interfaces for mocking all inputs so you can easily test the possible behaviors of your configuration. The data of the HarnessInputs represents the environment/data in which your forms, tasks, targets, and contact-summaries are running within your CHT application. You can provide default values for these inputs through a file called `harness.defaults.json` in your configuration project's folder ([example](
Name Type Description
user string | Object This represents the current user that is logged into the system. Use this for testing whenever your system behaves differently for different users. In harness.fillForm(), this is the data bound to `inputs/user` (hydrated). In harness.getTargets(), this is the global `user` object available in targets.js. (hydrated) In harness.getTasks(), this is the global `user` object available in tasks.js. (hydrated) In contact-summary code, this is the global `user` object in contact-summary.templated.js. (hydrated)
userRoles Array.<string> This represents the 'roles' assigned to the current user that is logged in. Roles control the user's permissions ([roles documentation](
subject string | Object This represents the contact that is being "acted on" or the "subject of the test". The harness.fillForm() function simulates "completing an action" on the subject's profile page. The harness.getTasks() function returns the tasks listed on the subject's profile page. The harness.getContactSummary() function returns the contact summary information displayed for the subject. `subject` can be an `object` or a `string`. Assigning `subject` a `string` should be preferred as it will result in behavior closest to the CHT. The `subject` should be set to the `_id` of the contact document present in ``. The harness will pull in the appropriate contact and hydrate it automatically. Assigning `subject` an `object` will skip any integration with `docs` and skips hydration - the exact value set will be used. This is powerful and useful for unit testing, but should be avoided during integration testing.
content Object This is the data that will be passed into an XForm via loadForm(). Tasks have the ability to set this data via the modifyContent interface. Recommendeded to leave this undefined in `harness.defaults.json`.
contactSummary Object Set this value to mock the data passed into app forms via `instance('contact-summary')/context`. This is mocking the context information that is returned by the contact-summary. If left empty, the `context` returned by getContactSummary will be used.
docs Array.<Object> This simulates the documents on the user's device when the test begins.
  • userRoles For setting the user's role
harness.userRoles = ['chw']

harness.defaults.json using subject as a string (preferred)

  "coreVersion": "3.10.3",
  "subject": "patient_id",

  "docs": [
      "_id": "patient_id",
      "name": "Sick Bob",
      "type": "person",
      "reported_date": 1550559625153,
      "parent": {
        "_id": "family_id",
        "parent": {
          "_id": "chw_area_id"

      "_id": "family_id",
      "type": "clinic",
      "parent": {
        "_id": "chw_area_id"

harness.defaults.json using mock object

  "coreVersion": "3.10.3",
  "subject":  {
    "_id": "patient_id",
    "name": "Sick Bob",
    "type": "person",
    "reported_date": 1550559625153,
    "parent": {
      "_id": "family_id",
      "type": "clinic",
      "parent": {
        "_id": "chw_area_id"

  "docs": []


Name Type Description
console Array.<Object> Each element represents an event within Chrome console.
contacts Array.<Object> All contacts known to nools.
reports Array.<Object> All reports known to nools.


An emitted target. The structure of emitted targets may vary by the version of cht-conf and the version of the medic webapp. In general, target have this structure.
Name Type Description
value Object The aggregated calculation based on the instances.
Name Type Description
pass boolean
total number
percent number


Name Type Description
_id uuid
user string The user settings id of the user who calculated and created the document. Used for controlling replication. (eg. org.couchdb.user:agatha)
requester uuid The guid of the contact whose data brought about the creation of the document. Used for controlling cancellation.
owner uuid string The guid of the contact whose profile this task will appear on in the contact’s tab.
emission Object Minified data emitted from the partner code.
Name Type Description
forId uuid If completing a task’s action opens a form. Completing the form creates a report. forId is the guid of the contact information that will be passed into the form. For most forms, the resulting report will be associated with this contact.
title string The "name" attribute of the task configuration string The name that will appear beside the task on the tasks tab. The "contactLabel" attribute of the task configuration
startDate date The date at which time the task will be displayed to the user. Before this date, the task document will be in state "Draft".
endDate date The date at which time the task will no longer be displayed to the user. After this date, the task will move to state "Failed".
stateHistory Array Each time the state attribute changes, the time of the change is recorded in the state history.