Production CHT Sync Setup

Setting up a production deployment of CHT Sync with the CHT

We recommend running CHT Sync in production using Kubernetes. This guide will walk you through setting up a production deployment of CHT Sync with the CHT using Kubernetes.


  • A Kubernetes cluster: You can use a managed Kubernetes service like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), or you can set up a cluster using a tool like Minikube.
  • kubectl: The Kubernetes command-line tool. You can install it using the kubectl installation instructions.
  • Helm: The Kubernetes package manager. You can install it using the helm installation guide.

Database disk space requirements

The disk space required for the database depends on a few things including the size the of CouchDB databases being replicated, and the models defined. The database will grow over time as more data is added to CouchDB. The database should be monitored to ensure that it has enough space to accommodate the data. To get an idea of the size requirements of the database, you can replicate 10% of the data from CouchDB to Postgres and then run the following command to see disk usage:

SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('your_database_name'));

If Postgres is running in a Kubernetes cluster, you can use the following command to get the disk usage:

kubectl exec -it postgres-pod-name -- psql -U postgres -c "SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('your_database_name'));"

You can then multiply this figure by 10 to get an estimate of the disk space required for the full dataset and then add some extra space for indexes and other overhead as well as future growth.

For example if the size of the database is 1GB, you can expect the full dataset to be around 10GB. If the CouchDB docs grow by 20% every year then you can compound this growth over 5 years to get an estimate of the disk space required: 10GB * 1.2^5 = 18.5GB. You can add an extra 20% for indexes and overhead to get an estimate of 22.2GB.

Please note that this is just an estimate and the actual disk space required may vary so actively monitoring the disk space usage and making necessary adjustments is recommended.


  • Using git, clone the CHT Sync repository from GitHub: git clone
  • In the cht-sync folder, copy the values in deploy/cht_sync/values.yaml.template file to a new file named deploy/cht_sync/values.yaml.
  • If you require a Postgres database to be set up in the cluster, you can use the postgres.enabled flag in the values.yaml file. If you already have a Postgres database outside the cluster, you can set the postgres.enabled flag to false.
  • If outside the cluster, specify host and port in this section
  • In either case, specify user, password, db, schema, and table
    • schema can be used to separate CHT models from any other data that may already be in the database
    • table is the name of the table that couch2pg will write couch documents to, and the source table for dbt models. It is recommended to leave this as couchdb.
  enabled: true
  user: "postgres"
  password: ""
  db: ""
  schema: "v1"
  table: "couchdb"
  • Set CouchDB shared values in the values.yaml file.
  user: "your_couchdb_user"
  dbs: "medic"
  port: "443"
  secure: "true"
  • Configure the CouchDB instance to be replicated in the values.yaml file. For the host, use the CouchDB host URL used to publicly access the instance and for the password, use the password associated with the user set above.
  - host: "host1.cht-core.test"
    password: "password1"
  • If you have multiple CouchDB instances to replicate, you can add them to the couchdbs list.
  - host: "host1.cht-core.test"
    password: "password1"
  - host: "host2.cht-core.test"
    password: "password2"
  • If an instance has a different port, user or different CouchDB databases to be synced, you can specify it in the couchdbs list.
  - host: "host1" # required for all couchdb instances
    password: "" # required for all couchdb instances
  - host: "host2.cht-core.test"
    password: "new_password"
    user: "separate_user"
    dbs: "medic medic_sentinel"
    port: "5984"
    secure: "false"
  - host: "host3.cht-core.test"
    password: "password3"
  • Set the cht-pipeline branch URL in the values.yaml file.
cht_pipeline_branch_url: ""
  • (Optional) Configure the Metrics Exporter. If enabled, this will create a sql exporter that queries the database for couch2pg status, number of changes pending, and current sequence and exposes these metrics in prometheus format at a service with name metrics at port 9399, for use with CHT Watchdog or any other monitoring service. An HTTP ingress needs to be created to allow access from outside the cluster.
  enabled: true


Run the command below to deploy the cht-sync helm chart. The chart is at deploy/cht_sync, if values.yaml is in a different directory, specify the path.

cd deploy/cht_sync
helm install cht-sync . --values values.yaml

Verify the deployment

Run the following command to get the status of the deployment.

kubectl get pods

Run the following command to get the logs of a pod.

kubectl logs -f cht-sync-<pod-id>

CHT Core Framework > Overview > CHT Core

The different pieces of a CHT project, how they interact, and what they’re used for

CHT Core Framework > Overview > CHT Sync

Data synchronization tools to enable analytics