Upgrading the cht-upgrade-service

Upgrading the cht-upgrade-service

The CHT Upgrade Service provides an interface between the CHT Core API and Docker to allow easy startup and one-click upgrades from the CHT Admin UI. Occasionally, the CHT Upgrade Service, itself, will need to be upgraded. If an upgrade is available, it is highly recommended that you install the upgrade for the CHT Upgrade Service before performing further upgrades on your CHT instance. This is done via the following steps:

  1. Verify that the version of the cht-upgrade-service image in your ./upgrade-service/docker-compose.yml files is set to latest.
  2. Pull the latest cht-upgrade-service image from Docker Hub and replace the current container by running the following command:
    cd /home/ubuntu/cht/upgrade-service
    docker compose pull
    docker compose up --detach

Follow the Product Releases channel on the CHT forum to stay informed about new releases and upgrades.