Migration from Docker Compose CHT 3.x to 3-Node Clustered CHT 4.x on K3s

Guide to migrate existing data from CHT 3.x Docker Compose deployment to CHT 4.x clustered K3s deployment with 3 CouchDB nodes

The hosting architecture differs entirely between CHT-Core 3.x and CHT-Core 4.x. When migrating from Docker Compose to K3s, specific steps are required using the couchdb-migration tool. This tool interfaces with CouchDB to update shard maps and database metadata.

Install Migration Tool

mkdir -p ~/couchdb-migration/
cd ~/couchdb-migration/
curl -s -o ./docker-compose.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/medic/couchdb-migration/main/docker-compose.yml
docker compose up

Set Up Environment Variables

Be sure to replace both <admin-user> and <password> with your actual username and password. As well, update <couchdb-host> to the CouchDB URL from the Docker Compose setup:

export COUCH_URL=http://<admin-user>:<password>@<couchdb-host>:5984

Run Pre-Migration Commands

cd ~/couchdb-migration/
docker compose run couch-migration pre-index-views <put-your-intended-cht-version>

Save CouchDB Configuration

cd ~/couchdb-migration/
docker compose run couch-migration get-env

Save the output containing:

  • CouchDB secret (used for encrypting passwords and session tokens)
  • CouchDB server UUID (used for replication checkpointing)
  • CouchDB admin credentials

The next part of the guide assumes your K3s cluster is already prepared. If not, please run the set of commands here.

We are also going to utilize the cht-deploy script from the cht-core repo. If you don’t already have that, clone it.

Prepare Node Storage

# Create directory on the node
sudo mkdir -p /srv/couchdb1/data

# Copy data from Docker Compose installation to the k3s node
sudo rsync -avz --progress --partial --partial-dir=/tmp/rsync-partial \
    /srv/storage/medic-core/couchdb/data/ \

Create directories on secondary nodes

ssh <user>@<node2-hostname> "sudo mkdir -p /srv/couchdb2/data/shards /srv/couchdb2/data/.shards"
ssh <user>@<node3-hostname> "sudo mkdir -p /srv/couchdb3/data/shards /srv/couchdb3/data/.shards"

Create values.yaml for K3s Deployment

Be sure to update the following values in your YAML file:

  • <your-namespace> (two occurrences)
  • <version> - 4.x version you’re upgrading to
  • <password> - retrieved from get-env call above
  • <secret> - retrieved from get-env call above
  • <admin-user> - needs to be the same as used in 3.x - likely medic
  • <uuid> - retrieved from get-env call above
  • <url> - the URL of your production instance goes here (eg example.org)
  • <path-to-tls> - path to TLS files on disk

Storage Configuration Notes:

The storage related values don’t need to be changed but here’s an explanation:

  • preExistingDataAvailable: "true" - If this is false, the CHT gets launched with empty data.
  • dataPathOnDiskForCouchDB: "data" - Leave as data because that’s the directory we created above when moving the existing data.
  • partition: "0" - Leave as 0 to use the whole disk. If you have moved data to a separate partition in a partitioned hard disk, then you’d put the partition number here.
project_name: "<your-namespace>"
namespace: "<your-namespace>"
chtversion: <version>

  docker_registry: "public.ecr.aws/medic"
  builds_url: "https://staging.dev.medicmobile.org/_couch/builds_4"
  tag: 0.32

  password: "<password>"
  secret: "<secret>"
  user: "<admin-user>"
  uuid: "<uuid>"
  clusteredCouch_enabled: true
  couchdb_node_storage_size: 100Gi

  noOfCouchDBNodes: 3

  host: "<url>"

environment: "remote"
cluster_type: "k3s-k3d"
cert_source: "specify-file-path"
certificate_crt_file_path: "<path-to-tls>/fullchain.crt"
certificate_key_file_path: "<path-to-tls>/privkey.key"

  node-1: "couch01"
  node-2: "couch02"
  node-3: "couch03"

  preExistingDataAvailable: "true"
  dataPathOnDiskForCouchDB: "data"
  partition: "0"

  preExistingDiskPath-1: "/srv/couchdb1"
  preExistingDiskPath-2: "/srv/couchdb2"
  preExistingDiskPath-3: "/srv/couchdb3"

Deploy to K3s

We are going to use cht-deploy from the cht-core repo.

cd cht-core/scripts/deploy
./cht-deploy -f /path/to/your/values.yaml

Get Shard Distribution Instructions

Access the primary CouchDB pod, being sure to replace <your-namespace> with the name of your actual namespace:

kubectl exec -it -n <your-namespace> $(kubectl get pod -n <your-namespace> -l cht.service=couchdb-1 -o name) -- bash

Set up the migration tool:

curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | bash -
apt install -y nodejs npm git
git clone https://github.com/medic/couchdb-migration.git
cd couchdb-migration
npm ci --omit=dev

# Create a global symlink to enable running commands directly
# Note: This may require sudo if npm's global directories aren't writable
npm link

export ADMIN_USER=<admin-user>
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password>
export COUCH_URL="http://${ADMIN_USER}:${ADMIN_PASSWORD}@localhost:5984"

# Get shard distribution instructions
shard-move-instructions $shard_matrix

Example output:

Move <mainNode-Path>/shards/00000000-1fffffff to <couchdb@couchdb-1.local-path>/shards/00000000-1fffffff
Move <mainNode-Path>/.shards/00000000-1fffffff to <couchdb@couchdb-1.local-path>/.shards/00000000-1fffffff
Move <mainNode-Path>/shards/20000000-3fffffff to <couchdb@couchdb-2.local-path>/shards/20000000-3fffffff

Distribute Shards

Move shards to Node 2:

# Copy main shards first
sudo rsync -avz --progress --partial --partial-dir=/tmp/rsync-partial \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/shards/20000000-3fffffff \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/shards/80000000-9fffffff \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/shards/e0000000-ffffffff \

# Then copy hidden shards
sudo rsync -avz --progress --partial --partial-dir=/tmp/rsync-partial \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/.shards/20000000-3fffffff \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/.shards/80000000-9fffffff \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/.shards/e0000000-ffffffff \

# Touch the .shards to ensure they're newer
ssh user@node2-hostname "sudo find /srv/couchdb2/data/.shards -type f -exec touch {} +"

Move shards to Node 3:

# Copy main shards first
sudo rsync -avz --progress --partial --partial-dir=/tmp/rsync-partial \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/shards/40000000-5fffffff \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/shards/a0000000-bfffffff \

# Then copy hidden shards
sudo rsync -avz --progress --partial --partial-dir=/tmp/rsync-partial \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/.shards/40000000-5fffffff \
    /srv/couchdb1/data/.shards/a0000000-bfffffff \

# Touch the .shards to ensure they're newer
ssh user@node3-hostname "sudo find /srv/couchdb3/data/.shards -type f -exec touch {} +"

Update Cluster Configuration

In the primary CouchDB pod:

# Apply shard distribution
move-shards $shard_matrix

# Remove old node configuration
remove-node couchdb@

# Verify migration