Be sure to update the following values in your YAML file:

  • <your-namespace> (two occurrences)
  • <version> - 4.x version you’re upgrading to
  • <password> - retrieved from get-env call above
  • <secret> - retrieved from get-env call above
  • <admin-user> - needs to be the same as used in 3.x - likely medic
  • <uuid> - retrieved from get-env call above
  • <url> - the URL of your production instance goes here (eg
  • <path-to-tls> - path to TLS files on disk

Storage Configuration Notes:

The storage related values don’t need to be changed but here’s an explanation:

  • preExistingDataAvailable: "true" - If this is false, the CHT gets launched with empty data.
  • dataPathOnDiskForCouchDB: "data" - Leave as data because that’s the directory we created above when moving the existing data.
  • partition: "0" - Leave as 0 to use the whole disk. If you have moved data to a separate partition in a partitioned hard disk, then you’d put the partition number here.