App Developer Hosting in CHT 4.x

Hosting the CHT when developing apps

This guide assumes you are a CHT app developer wanting to either run concurrent instances of the CHT, or easily be able to switch between different instances without losing any data while doing so. To do development on the CHT Core Framework itself, see the development guide.

To deploy the CHT 3.x in production, see either AWS hosting or Self hosting. 4.x production hosting guides are coming soon!

Getting started

Be sure to meet the CHT hosting requirements first. To avoid conflicts, ensure that all other CHT 4.x instances are stopped. To stop ALL containers, you can use

docker kill $(docker ps -q)

After meeting these requirements, create a directory and download the developer YAML files in the directory you want to store them. This example uses ~/cht-4-app-developer as the directory:

mkdir  ~/cht-4-app-developer && cd ~/cht-4-app-developer
curl -s -o docker-compose.yml
curl -s -o cht-core.yml
curl -s -o cht-couchdb.yml

You should now have 3 compose files which we can check with ls:

cht-core.yml  cht-couchdb.yml  docker-compose.yml

To start the first developer CHT instance, run docker-compose, prepending the needed environment variables:


This may take some minutes to fully start depending on the speed of the internet connection and speed of the host. This is because docker needs to download all the storage layers for all the containers and the CHT needs to run the first run set up. After downloads and setup has completed, the CHT should be accessible on https://localhost. You can log in with username medic and password password.

When connecting to a new dev CHT instance for the first time, an error will be shown, “Your connection is not private” with NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID (see screenshot). To get past this, click “Advanced” and then click “Proceed to localhost”.

Running the Nth CHT instance

After running the first instance of the CHT, it’s easy to run as many more as are needed. This is achieved by specifying different:

  • port for HTTP redirects (CHT_HTTP)
  • port for HTTPS traffic (NGINX_HTTP_PORT)
  • directory for storing the compose files and CouchDB files

Assuming you want to start a new project called the_second and start the instance on HTTP port 8081 and HTTPS port 8443, we would first create a new directory and download the same files:

mkdir  ~/the_second && cd ~/the_second
curl -s -o docker-compose.yml
curl -s -o cht-core.yml
curl -s -o cht-couchdb.yml

Then, we would use the same docker-compose command as above, but this time specify the ports:


The second instance is now accessible at https://localhost:8444 and again using username medic and password password to login.

The .env file

Often times it’s convenient to use revision control, like GitHub, to store and publish changes in a CHT app. A nice compliment to this is to store the specifics on how to run the docker-compose command for each app. By using a shared docker-compose configuration for all developers on the same app, it avoids any port collisions and enables all developers to have a unified configuration.

Using the above the_second sample project, we can create a file ~/the_second/.env with this contents:


Now it’s easy to boot this environment:

cd ~/the_second
docker-compose up

Switching & concurrent projects

The easiest way to switch between projects is to stop the first set of containers and start the second set. Cancel the first project running in the foreground with ctrl + c and stop all the project’s services:

docker stop second_api_1 second_cht-upgrade-service_1 second_couchdb_1 second_haproxy_1 second_healthcheck_1 second_nginx_1 second_sentinel_1

Alternately, you can stop ALL containers (even non-CHT ones!) with docker kill $(docker ps -q). Then start the other CHT project using either the .env file or use the explicit command with ports and other environment variables as shown above.

To run projects concurrently open a second terminal and start the second project so you don’t have to cancel and stop the first project. Remember to avoid port conflicts!

CHT Docker Helper for 4.x

The scripts downloads 3 compose files and builds an .env file used above. This greatly eases starting your first CHT instance with a simple text based GUI which works on Windows (WSL2), macOS (both x86 and Apple Silicon) and Linux.

The script showing the URL and version of the CHT instance as well as number of containers launched, global container count, medic images downloaded count and OS load average. Finally a “Successfully started my_first_project” message is shown and denotes the login is “medic” and the password is “password”.

This script brings a lot of benefits with it:

  • You only have to download one bash script
  • All compose files and images will be downloaded automatically for you
  • All networks, storage volumes and containers will be created
  • A valid TLS certificate will be installed, allowing you to easily test on with CHT Android natively on a mobile device
  • An unused port is automatically chosen for you when creating a new project. No more manually looking at your existing .env files!


To get started using it:

  1. Clone the CHT Core repo
  2. When you want to check for updates, just run git pull origin in the cht-core directory.

If you want a more stand-alone version, you can curl the bash script directly, but you can’t use git to easily update it then:

curl -s -o


Always run the script from the directory where it lives. If you launch it from a different directory, relative paths will fail:



Run the script with:


The first time you run, you will be prompted to create a new project. Here’s what that looks like:

Would you like to initialize a new project [y/N]? y
How do you want to name the project? 4 OH The First
Downloading compose files ... done 

Creating network "4_oh_the_first-cht-net" with the default driver
Creating my_first_cht_project-dir_cht-upgrade-service_1 ... done
Starting project "4_oh_the_first". First run takes a while. Will try for up to five minutes........


  Success! "4_oh_the_first" is set up: (CHT) (Fauxton)

    Login: medic
    Password: password


Start existing project
    ./ ENV-FILE.env

Stop and keep project:
    ./ ENV-FILE.env stop

Stop and destroy all project data:
    ./ ENV-FILE.env destroy

 Have a great day! 

If you have many existing projects, you can specify them to launch them directly. If you had a project called 4_oh_the_first you would run:

./ 4_oh_the_first.env


When you’re done with a project, it’s good to stop all the containers to reduce load on your computer. Do this by specifying the project and the stop command. This command will simply stop the active Docker containers, and not delete any data. Using our existing example 4_oh_the_first project, you would call:

./ 4_oh_the_first.env stop


When you want to permanently delete all files and all data for a project, specify the project and the destroy command. Using our existing example 4_oh_the_first project, you would call:

./ 4_oh_the_first.env destroy

Be sure you want to do this, there is no “are you sure?” prompt and it will delete all your data.

Also note that this command will use the sudo command when deleting the CouchDB data, so it may prompt for your password.


To get debug output while running the docker helper, you can prepend the DEBUG=true flag like this:

DEBUG=true ./

This shows load average, CHT container count, global container count, and a table of services with their status like this:

Load: 3.75 2.92 2.93    
CHT Containers: 7                                                                                
Global Containers 15                     

Service              Status   Container                               Image     
cht-upgrade-service  running  400_deleteme-dir-cht-upgrade-service-1
haproxy              NA       NA                            
healthcheck          running  400_deleteme_healthcheck_1    
api                  running  400_deleteme_api_1            
sentinel             running  400_deleteme_sentinel_1       
nginx                running  400_deleteme_nginx_1          
couchdb              running  400_deleteme_couchdb_1        


When you are starting a CHT Core instance using Docker Helper 4.x and don’t have any containers created, images downloaded, or storage volumes created - the * TLS certificate fails to install, which leads to a browser Your connection is not private message.

To solve this issue, follow the steps below:

  1. First, find the name of the nginx container with: docker ps --filter "name=nginx" --format '{{ .Names }}'.
  2. After cloning the CHT Core repo, cd into the scripts directory: cd ./cht-core/scripts.
  3. Using the container name from the first command, call the script to update the certificate: ./ CONTAINER_NAME.

These three steps look like as following assuming that CONTAINER_NAME is equal to 4_3_0_nginx_1. Note that CONTAINER_NAME will be different for each instance of CHT you run with Docker Helper:

$ docker ps --filter "name=nginx"  --format '{{ .Names }}'

$ cd Documents/MedicMobile/cht-core/scripts/   

scripts $ ./ 4_3_0_nginx_1

If just container name is shown above, a fresh certificate was downloaded fresh

File locations

The bash script keeps files in two places:

  • *.env files - the same directory as the bash script.
  • ~/medic/cht-docker/ files - in your home directory, a sub-directory is created for each project. Within each project directory, a compose directory has the two compose files and the couch directory has the CouchDB datafiles.

While you can manually remove any of these, it’s best to use the destroy command above to ensure all related data files are deleted too.


Here is a video of the helper being run on 1 Dec 2022. The video references lazydocker which is a great way to monitor and control your local docker environment: