
Guides for hosting CHT 4.x applications

Before beginning any of these guides, be sure to meet all of the CHT hosting requirements first.

To host a production instance of CHT, use the Self Hosting in CHT 4.x guide. To do app development, see our App Developer hosting guide.

To view 3.x hosting options, see the 3.x hosting section

Migration from CHT 3.x to CHT 4.x

Guide to migrate existent data from CHT 3.x to CHT 4.x

Self Hosting in CHT 4.x

Details for hosting the CHT on self run infrastructure

App Developer Hosting in CHT 4.x

Hosting the CHT when developing apps

Adding TLS certificates in CHT 4.x

How to add TLS certificates to your docker hosted CHT 4.x instance

Viewing server logs in CHT 4.x

What to do when you need to find server side errors in CHT 4.x

Backups in CHT 4.x

Which data to backup when hosting the CHT 4.x

CHT Applications > Quick Guides > Updates > Preparing to upgrade to CHT 4.0

Steps to ensure your CHT App will run smoothly on CHT 4.0 and later