Remote Onboarding and Training

App and care workflow training using remote capabilities

The CHT’s Remote Onboarding and Training functionality enables Supervisors and Administrators to train CHWs on care workflows and related app use without being physically present. It is designed for:

  • Safety: maintaining distance due to infectious disease
  • Speed: faster deployment when timing is a critical
  • Scalability: onboarding large numbers of users at the same time
  • Measurability: evaluation to provide added support where needed
  • Adaptability: integration with existing program and workflow structures

Problem Being Addressed

Providing consistent training for CHWs is critically important in the context of evolving health programs and use of digital support tools. In-person training is often not feasible (due to distance, infectious disease outbreaks, or similar), but is still required to build and maintain effective care programs. Relying on CHWs to learn to use these new digital tools and adhere to care workflows on their own is a major challenge to health program success.

Solution Overview

The CHT’s onboarding and training capabilities offer a remote way to provide education to CHWs and Supervisors about digital tools functionality and care workflows. It can be deployed in both SMS and App based modules. Through asynchronous communication, program administrators are able to:

  • Create customized training modules that match program requirements
  • Capture assessments of CHW knowledge levels of training material
  • Assess user training participation abandonment
  • Identify CHWs who need additional Supervisor support

Users and Hierarchy Example

National Officials and County TeamsCentral and district officesDesktop, laptop and smartphonesMonitor central analytics regarding onboarding and training completion. Revisit content where needed.
Sub-County TeamsFacilities or local officeTablet or smartphoneReview CHW progress on aggregate, support CHW supervisors, and monitor location specific analytics.
CHW SupervisorsCommunity level, based at facilitiesSmartphoneVerify CHW onboarding and training completion, follow up with those who have not. Complete their own onboarding and training tasks to new workflows.
CHWsCommunity levelFeature phones and some smartphonesComplete onboarding and training via SMS or app, provide feedback and ask for support where needed.

Workflow Examples

Remote Login by App

Users may log into their app with a link sent to them via SMS. The link allows the user to directly enter their app, bypassing the need to enter their username and password.

See Also: Accessing CHT Apps

Remote Training Overview

These SMS and App based workflow examples illustrate how the CHT enables remote training, tasking and communication at scale. Training can be done using simple guides, audio/videos suitable for low bandwidth, or interactive experiences on personal devices. Training programs can be easily configured to suit specific health program needs.

Remote Training by SMS

Remote Training by App

More background information can be found in this summary deck.

Building > Reference > app_settings.json > .token_login

Token login: Instructions and schema for Login by SMS

Building > Concepts > Access

Starting up a digital health app

Building > Training > Onboarding

Best practices when using a Training App to keep training and production data apart