App Builders

Developing and delivering world-class software

App builders and technical organizations develop and deliver world-class software contextualized to meet their clients’ needs and deliver value to their stakeholders.


App builders and technical organizations have in-house or contracted software developers. They deploy health technology solutions for implementing partners such an iNGOs, Governments, UN agencies etc in the community health space. They have limited familiarity with end-users such as CHWs and HCD.


  • Aligned with CHT principles and willing to contribute back to the CHT in the future
  • Believe in building open-source technologies
  • Integrity
  • Likeable personality
  • Open-mindedness
  • Strong work ethic


  • Build and deliver user experiences centered on the CHT
  • Steward the CHT app developer’s experience
  • CHT Capacity Builders
  • Technical support
  • Speak the language of the business


  • Capacity and expertise with the CHT
  • Flexible technology (and tooling) to help build holistic digital health interventions


  • Build awesome and bug-free user experiences using the CHT
  • Adoption of the CHT as the technology of choice for building community health apps
  • Delivering effective interventions
  • Novel projects or interventions
  • Developing skills

Strengths and Assets

  • Diversity in skills sets: HCD, software development, database management, dashboard development
  • Resourcefulness: bend the CHT’s capabilities to meet a given need
  • Passion for problem solving
  • An inquisitive mind