
Color helps users interpret and interact with app content by establishing a hierarchy of information, highlighting actions, indicating states, and conveying meaning.


Color helps users interpret and interact with app content by establishing a hierarchy of information, highlighting actions, indicating states, and conveying meaning.

Primary colors

These are the primary colors of the navigation tabs. When necessary, use white #FFFFFF text over these colors.

#63A2C6 Blue#7193EE Periwinkle#F47B63 Pink#76B0B0 Teal#E9AA22 Yellow
rgb(99, 162, 198)rgb(113, 147, 238)rgb(244, 123, 99)rgb(118, 176, 176)rgb(233, 170, 34)

Secondary colors

These are the secondary (highlight) colors of the navigation tabs.

#EEF5F9 Blue Highlight#F0F4FD Periwinkle Highlight#FDF1EF Pink Highlight#DFEAEA Teal Highlight#FCF6E7 Yellow Highlight
rgb(238, 245, 249)rgb(240, 244, 253)rgb(253, 241, 239)rgb(223, 234, 234)rgb(252, 246, 231)

Status colors

These are the status indication colors of the system. When necessary, use white #FFFFFF text over these colors.

#218E7F Teal Dark#007AC0 Blue Dark#C78330 Yellow Dark#E33030 Red
rgb(33, 142, 127)rgb(0, 122, 192)rgb(199, 131, 48)rgb(227, 48, 48)
Completed, verified, sent actionsPrimary button, link, infoDelayed, incomplete actionsOverdue, unmet, error, delete, failed, denied actions


#777777 Gray Dark#E0E0E0 Gray Light#A0A0A0 Gray Medium#333333 Gray Ultra Dark#F2F2F2 Gray Ultra Light#FFFFFF White
rgb(119, 119, 119)rgb(224, 224, 224)rgb(160, 160, 160)rgb(51, 51, 51)rgb(242, 242, 242)rgb(255, 255, 255)
Disabled statuses, secondary body text1px line borders, action bar iconsMuted or deceased contacts, cleared messagesOverdue, unmet, error, delete, failed, denied actionsApp background, list and dropdown highlightsForm background

For more information on how these colors are applied in the app, see the color variables file.