4.18.0 release notes

Known issues

Check the repository for the latest known issues.

Upgrade notes

Breaking changes


UI/UX changes

  • #9682: Add support for Right to Left languages


Right to Left Language Support

Support for Arabic as a CHT language was added in 4.16.0. Now, the CHT can properly display content in a full RTL layout! This greatly improves the usability of the application for native RTL language speakers.

See the documentation for more details.

#9682: Add support for Right to Left languages

Replicate Primary Contacts Regardless of Depth

flowchart TB
linkStyle default stroke-width:1px,stroke:lightgrey

classDef none fill:none,stroke:none

super_area[<img src='../../../building/workflows/hierarchy/health-center.svg' width='30' />CHW Supervisor Area]:::none
super[<img src='../../../building/workflows/hierarchy/officer.svg' width='30' />Supervisor]:::none
chw_area[<img src='../../../building/workflows/hierarchy/chw-area.svg' width='30' />CHW Area]:::none
chw[<img src='../../../building/workflows/hierarchy/chw.svg' width='30' />CHW]:::none
family_a[<img src='../../../building/workflows/hierarchy/family.svg' width='30' />Family A]:::none
family_b[<img src='../../../building/workflows/hierarchy/family.svg' width='30' />Family B]:::none

super_area --- chw_area & super
chw_area --- chw & family_a & family_b

Controlling the data accessible to “offline” CHT users is essential. Often, the replication_depth configuration is used to limit how much of the contact hierarchy is visible to a user (and downloaded to their device) by preventing the replication of contacts/reports beyond a specified depth.

However, in some cases this configuration is not sufficient. For example, perhaps a CHW Supervisor needs to have access to the contact data for the CHWs they supervise (including the reports for those contacts), but should not have access to all the households/patients served by those CHWs. A typical hierarchy (as seen here) might have the CHW contact and the family household contacts both at the same depth level as children of the CHW Area. If the supervisor user is configured to have a replication depth of 1, they will not have access to the CHW contact. If the replication depth is set to 2, the supervisor will have access to all the household contacts.

In this case, the new replicate_primary_contacts configuration can be used to ensure the primary contacts of the places at the user’s deepest replication depth are also replicated (even if those contacts are technically located deeper in the hierarchy than the configured depth limit). So, with a replication depth of 1 and replicate_primary_contacts set to true, the supervisor user will have access to the CHW contact, but not the household contacts.

#8034: Add config to allow replicating primary contacts for places at max depth

REST Endpoints for Getting Contacts and Reports

New REST endpoints have been added to the CHT API server for retrieving data about contacts and reports. The endpoints support getting the all the data for an identified contact/report. Additionally, an endpoint has been added for getting an array of contact identifiers filtered by contact type and/or a freetext search time. There is also a new endpoint for getting report identifiers filtered by a freetext search term. See the API documentation for more details:

#9586: Implement freetext search in cht-datasource

And more…


  • #8034: Add config to allow replicating primary contacts for places at max depth
  • #9799: Allow configuring headers in outbound push


  • #9586: Implement freetext search in cht-datasource

Security fixes


Performance improvements


Bug fixes

  • #9842: Use latest bikram-sambat release

Technical improvements

  • #9653: Refactor shared-libs/validations to call cht-datasource instead of directly querying freetext index
  • #9759: Uplift to Angular 19
  • #9787: K3d e2e tests fail due to potential changes in k3d APIs
  • #9796: Ignore dependencies in dependabot that cannot auto-update


Thanks to all who committed changes for this release!