Product Trio Activities

Common Activities of the Product Trio

The following items represent common activities that members of a Product Trio will do in the Product Development Process. Depending on what is underway, some of these may happen each week, but many parts happen on-demand. For example, interviewing is an ongoing process of gathering information, but the group may not start building a new solution each week.

The following activities should be performed in order, by all trio members:


  • Partner alignment: Understand initiatives Partners are planning in their roadmap and identify areas of overlap across health programs
  • User interviews: Learn about end users’ recent experiences with the CHT and any workarounds they’ve used to uncover potential unknowns
  • Learning agendas: Scoped interviews to learn more about specific topics of interest
  • Partner working sessions: Understand how users arrived at their current issues and offer guidance in troubleshooting
  • Service design feedback: Learn about feedback they have heard in the field
  • Customer effort survey: Align with Community’s App Developer survey to understand the ease of use of doing key tasks with the CHT using a scale to understand the ease of each


  • Synthesis session: Nuggets collected from the Empathize phase are synthesized into Opportunity Statements, broken down into subcategories if necessary
  • Define desired outcome: Align on what impact to achieve based on MoH needs and what the synthesis sessions have uncovered as our most impactful opportunity and how we might measure it


  • Story mapping: Brainstorm different ways we might achieve our desired outcome by arranging user stories to outline how they fit into the overall user experience from the first interaction to completing the overall user objective.
  • Choose solution: Discuss story maps, vote for the solution that is likeliest to achieve desired outcome
  • Validate with product leadership: Loop in product leadership for gut check and to ensure full alignment

Prototype and test

  • Validate assumptions: Create mockups to usability test with end users
  • Iterate: Update mockups as per user feedback

Implement and measure

  • Build: Build the thing and get it deployed
  • Measure: Use metrics previously defined to measure impact