Updating Dependencies

Process for updating dependencies

Every minor release we update dependencies to get the latest fixes and improvements. We do this early in the release cycle so that we have some more time to find regressions and issues. This is done on all folders with a package.json, including:

  • cht-core
    • / (root)
    • /admin
    • /api
    • /sentinel
    • /shared-libs/*
    • /webapp
  • cht-conf


  1. Checkout and pull the latest default branch - get the latest code
  2. Make a branch: git checkout -b "<issue>-update-dependencies"
  3. Take a look at the current list of dependencies related issues, where you can find the latest conversations and information.

Then for each folder go through these steps.

  1. npm ci - update your local node_modules to match expected
  2. npm outdated - report on any dependencies which aren’t at the latest
  3. npm install --save[-dev] package@version - install the latest version (be careful and read the release notes if the new version is a major change from the current)
  4. npm dedupe - remove duplicated dependencies
  5. npm audit fix - automatically fix any nested dependencies with vulnerabilities
  6. npm audit - get a report on any remaining vulnerabilities and manually scan it to see if there’s anything else you can do


  • Don’t update bootstrap to 4+ as it has many breaking changes. One day we will either raise an issue to upgrade it or migrate off it, but that is outside the scope of this change.

  • Don’t update bootstrap-daterangepicker.

  • Don’t update select2 as the latest patch always seems to fail.

  • Don’t update jquery to 3.6.0+ as the select2 search input loses focus on click event, this is an open issue in their repository.

  • CHT-Core’s webapp is using Enketo and jQuery library, at the same time Enketo internally uses a specific version of jQuery. Make sure webapp installs the same jQuery version than the one Enketo uses internally: 3.2.x.

    Do this by checking the jquery entry in ./webapp/package.json matches ./webapp/node_modules/enketo-core/package.json:

    grep '"jquery"' ./webapp/package.json
    "jquery": "3.2.x",
    grep '"jquery"' ./webapp/node_modules/enketo-core/package.json
    "jquery": "3.2.x",
  • Make sure the version of api/enketo-xslt is the same as webapp/enketo-core/enketo-transformer/enketo-xslt.

  • If you have trouble upgrading any other dependency and you think it’ll be challenging to fix it then raise a new issue with Upgrade dependencies tag, to upgrade just that dependency. Don’t hold up all the other upgrades you’ve made.


Angular exception

When upgrading Webapp’s Angular, you might get the following exception:

Running "exec:build-webapp" (exec) task
An unhandled exception occurred: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
see "/private/var/folders/tx/lskdwi/T/ng-23kdi/angular-errors.log" for further details.
>> Exited with code: 127

This error is thrown by the Webpack’s subresource integrity. It’s likely that @angular/compiler, @angular-devkit/build-angular or @angular-builders/custom-webpack aren’t resolved properly in the package-lock.json.

To fix it, uninstall these 3 dependencies and then install them again in this order:

  1. @angular/compiler
  2. @angular-devkit/build-angular
  3. @angular-builders/custom-webpack

If the error is still happening, try reinstalling @angular/cli.

npm errno -17

If npm ci errors with “errno -17” in shared-libs you may need to manually remove the nested dependencies from the package-lock.json. This needs move investigation to work out why this is happening.

select2 is not a function

If you get TypeError: "$(...).select2 is not a function" then either:

  1. You bumped select2. For some reason this breaks it.
  2. You have multiple jquery libraries and select2 is getting attached to one but not the other. Make sure the jquery versions in enketo-core and webapp match and you’ve run dedupe to remove the enketo-core copy.