Building > Training > Training Cards
Remotely train health workers
Training Cards enable remote training from within the CHT by showing a sequence of “cards” containing content provided by App Developers. The content might include information about a newly deployed feature, changes to a care guide, or simply a reminder about an underused feature or workflow. Enketo forms are used to display the content, and App Developers can specify a start date, duration, and to which user roles the cards should be shown. Like app forms, forms used by training cards will automatically be downloaded to the user’s devices.
Create an XLS Form. In the following example, the training form is called my_new_feature
, it has some text in the label::en
column, and some images in the column media::images
to illustrate the feature.
Important, define the form_id
located in the settings
sheet with the prefix training:
and add the form name, otherwise the training card won’t display. In our example, the form_id
should be training:my_new_feature
Create a properties file to define the starting date of the training, the number of days it will be active, and the user roles that can access the training. In our example, the file name is
and contains the following properties:
"title": "New workflow",
"context": {
"start_date": "2023-07-13",
"duration": 60,
"user_roles": [ "nurse" ]
In the example above, the training cards could be shown to any user with the “nurse” role between July 13, 2023 and September 11, 2023 (inclusive). See more information about these configuration settings below:
Property | Description |
“title” | Enketo’s form title that is displayed in the modal’s header section. |
“start_date” | Optional. Define the training start day using yyyy-mm-dd format. If not defined then the training will start immediately. |
“duration” | Optional. Number of days this training should be active. If not defined then the training will never expire. |
“user_roles” | Optional. List of user roles that can access this training. If not defined then all users can access the training. |
document from CouchDB.If your training form has images, create a folder with the same name as the form and add -media
suffix. In our example, the form name is my_new_feature
, then the folder name should be my_new_feature-media
Inside that new folder, make another one called images and put inside all the images
that your form needs. See more about multimedia in forms.
In your project configuration folder, place the XLS form, the properties file, and the media folder inside /forms/training/
. The file structure should look like this:
Open the terminal and use the latest version of the cht
command line tool to convert and upload the training form:
Convert the form by running this command:
cht --url=[instance_url] convert-training-forms -- [form_name]
cht --url= convert-training-forms -- my_new_feature
Upload the form by running this command:
cht --url=[instance_url] upload-training-forms -- [form_name]
cht --url= upload-training-forms -- my_new_feature
At this point the training cards are ready to use. You can verify by logging in with a user that has a valid role assigned for the training card, on the day that the training starts. Remember, to sync the app to see the results (the uncompleted training will display once a day).
Using telemetry you can monitor user interaction with each training card “set”. Some key metrics you can view include:
* Training Cards are designed to only be viewed once so this should normally only ever be 0 or 1. It is possible that a user deletes the training “report”, in which case they would be presented with training cards again.
Example SQL:
doc#>>'{metadata,user}' AS cht_user,
doc#>>'{metadata,deviceId}' AS device_id,
concat(doc#>>'{metadata,year}', '-', doc#>>'{metadata,month}', '-',doc#>>'{metadata,day}')::date AS telemetry_date,
COALESCE(doc#>>'{metrics,enketo:training:<my_new_feature>:add:render,count}','0')::int AS count_render_training,
COALESCE(doc#>>'{metrics,enketo:training:<my_new_feature>:add:user_edit_time,count}','0')::int AS count_submit_training,
COALESCE(doc#>>'{metrics,enketo:training:<my_new_feature>:add:user_edit_time,max}','0')::int/1000 AS max_seconds_on_form,
COALESCE(doc#>>'{metrics,enketo:training:<my_new_feature>:add:user_edit_time,min}','0')::int/1000 AS min_seconds_on_form
AND doc#>'{metadata}' ? 'day'
AND doc#>'{metrics}' ? 'enketo:training:<my_new_feature>:add:render'
telemetry_date DESC
Remotely train health workers
Training cards for CHT
App and care workflow training using remote capabilities
An integration built to pilot the integrated workflows focused on CHW remote learning and care support for COVID-19
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