Target Widgets

How to build CHT monthly and all time target widgets

This tutorial will take you through how to build target widgets.

Target widgets provide a summary or analysis of the data in submitted reports.

You will be adding target widgets that will allow Community Health Workers (CHWs) to track various metrics based on assessment reports submitted.

Brief Overview of Key Concepts

Targets is the user dashboard or analytics tab.

Target widgets provide a summary or analysis of the data in submitted reports.

Count widgets show a tally of a particular report that has been submitted or data within a report that matches a set of criteria.

Percent widgets display a ratio, which helps to provide insight into the proportion that matches a defined criteria.

Target schema details a set of properties for targets.

Target instance is an object emitted and counted or aggregated based on target configuration.

Required Resources

You should have a functioning CHT instance with cht-conf installed locally, completed a project folder setup, and an assessment form.

Implementation Steps

It is good practice to set up a reference document outlining the specifications of the target widgets similar to the one below. Other formats may also be used.

SourceUI LabelDefinitionTypeReporting PeriodGoal
Assessment formTotal assessmentsTotal number of assessment reports submittedCountAll time_
Assessment formTotal assessmentsTotal number of assessment reports submitted this monthCountThis month2
Assessment formTotal population with coughTotal number of household members with coughCountThis month_
Assessment form% Population with coughTotal number of contacts with cough/Total number of contacts assessedPercentThis month_
Assessment formTotal households with assessmentsTotal number of households with at least one submitted assessment formCountThis month2
Assessment form% Household with >=2 assessmentsTotal number of households with at least two patients assessed/Total number of householdsPercentAll time60

Create a targets.js file (this may have already been created by the initialise-project-layout command).

1. Define an All-Time Target Widget

This widget counts the total number of assessment reports that have been submitted by the user from the time that they started reporting. Edit the targets.js file to define the total assessments all-time widget as shown below:

    id: 'assessments-all-time',
    type: 'count',
    icon: 'icon-healthcare-assessment',
    goal: -1,
    translation_key: 'targets.assessments.title',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.all_time.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    date: 'now'

2. Define the Total Assessments Monthly Target Widget

This widget counts the total number of assessment reports that have been submitted by the user for this month. Edit the targets.js file and add another target widget definition object to define the total assessments monthly widget as shown below:

    id: 'assessments-this-month',
    type: 'count',
    icon: 'icon-healthcare-assessment',
    goal: 2,
    translation_key: 'targets.assessments.title',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.this_month.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    date: 'reported'

The images show the monthly and all-time target widgets respectively, with the resulting figures varying depending on the number of assessment reports submitted within the respective durations.

3. Define the Cough Count Widget

This widget calculates the total number of patients assessed that have been indicated to have a cough this month, regardless of the number of reports submitted for them. Note that idType counts the contact IDs. Edit the targets.js file and add the target widget as shown below:

    id: 'total-contacts-with-cough-this-month',
    type: 'count',
    icon: 'icon-cough',
    goal: -1,
    translation_key: '',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.this_month.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    appliesIf: function (contact, report) {
      return Utils.getField(report, 'group_assessment.cough') === 'yes';
    idType: 'contact',
    date: 'reported'

4. Define the Cough Percentage Widget

This widget calculates the percentage patients assessed that have been indicated to have a cough this month, regardless of the number of reports submitted for them. Edit the targets.js file and add the target widget as shown below:

    id: 'percentage-contacts-with-cough-this-month',
    type: 'percent',
    icon: 'icon-cough',
    goal: -1,
    translation_key: 'targets.assessments.percentage.cough.title',
    percentage_count_translation_key: 'targets.assessments.percentage.with.cough',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.this_month.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    appliesIf: function (contact) {
      return && && &&;
    passesIf: function(contact, report) {
      return Utils.getField(report, 'group_assessment.cough') === 'yes';
    idType: 'contact',
    date: 'reported'

5. Define Total Households with Assessments Widget

This widget calculates the number of households that have patients assessed this month. Note that emitCustom emits a target with custom conditions that may otherwise not be directly configurable through the target schema. Filter based on reports, and use the contact information from the reports to emit targets. The target ID is the household ID. Edit the targets.js file and add the target widget as shown below:

    id: 'households-with-assessments-this-month',
    type: 'count',
    icon: 'icon-household',
    goal: 2,
    translation_key: 'targets.households.with.assessments.title',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.this_month.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    date: 'reported',
    emitCustom: (emit, original, contact) => {
      const householdId = &&;
      emit(Object.assign({}, original, {
        _id: householdId,
        pass: true

Note the difference in appearance on the resulting count target widgets based on whether the goal is achieved. The figures vary depending on the number of assessment reports submitted for household members.

6. Define Percentage Households with >=2 Assessments Widget

This widget calculates the percentage of households that have two or more patients assessed all time. Use emitCustom to emit a custom target instance. The target instance ID is the household ID. Edit the targets.js file and add the target widget as shown below:

//Define a function to get the household ID based on the hierarchy configuration
const getHouseholdId = (contact) => && === 'clinic' ? : &&;

//Define a function to determine if contact is patient
const isPatient = (contact) => && === 'person' && && &&;

    id: 'households-with-gt2-assessments-this-month',
    type: 'percent',
    icon: 'icon-household',
    goal: 60,
    translation_key: 'targets.households.with.gt2.assessments.title',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.all_time.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'contacts',
    appliesToType: ['person', 'clinic'], //Need the total number of households as denominator
    date: 'now',
    emitCustom: (emit, original, contact) => {
      const householdId = getHouseholdId(contact);
      if (isPatient(contact)) {
        if (contact.reports.some(report => report.form === 'assessment')) {
          emit(Object.assign({}, original, const targetInstance = {
            _id: householdId, //Emits a passing target instance with the household ID as the target instance ID
            pass: true
      if( && === 'clinic') { //This represents the denominator, which is the total number of households
        emit(Object.assign({}, original,
          _id: householdId,
          pass: false, //Set to false so that it is counted in the denominator
    groupBy: contact => getHouseholdId(contact),
    passesIfGroupCount: { gte: 2 }

See Also: Hierarchies

The images show the resulting percent target widgets, with the figures varying depending on the number of assessment reports submitted for household members. Note the difference in appearance based on whether the goal is achieved.

7. Final targets.js file

Include the functions and replace appropriately in the file. The final content of the targets file should be similar the one below:

//Define a function to get the household ID based on the hierarchy configuration
const getHouseholdId = (contact) => && === 'clinic' ? : &&;

//Define a function to determine if contact is patient
const isPatient = (contact) => && === 'person' && && &&;

module.exports = [
    id: 'assessments-all-time',
    type: 'count',
    icon: 'icon-healthcare-assessment',
    goal: -1,
    translation_key: 'targets.assessments.title',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.all_time.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    date: 'now'
    id: 'assessments-this-month',
    type: 'count',
    icon: 'icon-healthcare-assessment',
    goal: 2,
    translation_key: 'targets.assessments.title',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.this_month.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    date: 'reported'
    id: 'total-contacts-with-cough-this-month',
    type: 'count',
    icon: 'icon-cough',
    goal: -1,
    translation_key: '',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.this_month.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    appliesIf: function (contact, report) {
      return Utils.getField(report, 'group_assessment.cough') === 'yes';
    idType: 'contact',
    date: 'reported'
    id: 'percentage-contacts-with-cough-this-month',
    type: 'percent',
    icon: 'icon-cough',
    goal: -1,
    translation_key: 'targets.assessments.percentage.cough.title',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.this_month.subtitle',
    percentage_count_translation_key: 'targets.assessments.percentage.with.cough',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    appliesIf: function (contact) {
      return isPatient(contact);
    passesIf: function(contact, report) {
      return Utils.getField(report, 'group_assessment.cough') === 'yes';
    idType: 'contact',
    date: 'reported'
    id: 'households-with-assessments-this-month',
    type: 'count',
    icon: 'icon-household',
    goal: 2,
    translation_key: 'targets.households.with.assessments.title',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.this_month.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'reports',
    appliesToType: ['assessment'],
    date: 'reported',
    emitCustom: (emit, original, contact) => {
      const householdId = getHouseholdId(contact);
      emit(Object.assign({}, original, {
        _id: householdId,
        pass: true
    id: 'households-with-gt2-assessments-this-month',
    type: 'percent',
    icon: 'icon-household',
    goal: 60,
    translation_key: 'targets.households.with.gt2.assessments.title',
    subtitle_translation_key: 'targets.all_time.subtitle',
    appliesTo: 'contacts',
    appliesToType: ['person', 'clinic'], //Need the total number of households as denominator
    date: 'now',
    emitCustom: (emit, original, contact) => {
      const householdId = getHouseholdId(contact);
      if (isPatient(contact)) {
        if (contact.reports.some(report => report.form === 'assessment')) {
          emit(Object.assign({}, original, const targetInstance = {
            _id: householdId, //Emits a passing target instance with the household ID as the target instance ID
            pass: true
      if( && === 'clinic') { //This represents the denominator, which is the total number of households
        emit(Object.assign({}, original,
          _id: householdId,
          pass: false, //Set to false so that it is counted in the denominator
    groupBy: contact => getHouseholdId(contact),
    passesIfGroupCount: { gte: 2 },

See Also: Targets overview

8. Compile and Upload App Settings

To compile and upload app settings to your local instance, run the following command:

cht --url=https://<username>:<password>@localhost --accept-self-signed-certs compile-app-settings upload-app-settings

The image on the right-hand side shows the expected outcome on the analytics tab, with figures varying depending on the number of reports submitted on your instance.

9. Upload translations

To update the titles of the target widgets, ensure that the translation keys are in the translations file. Add the following translation keys and their values in the file. You may word your translation keys and values differently.

targets.assessments.title = Total assessments = Total population with cough
targets.assessments.percentage.cough.title = % Population with cough
targets.households.with.assessments.title = Total households with assessments
targets.households.with.gt2.assessments.title = % Household with >=2 assessments

To upload translations to your local instance, run the following command:

cht --url=https://<username>:<password>@localhost --accept-self-signed-certs upload-custom-translations

The image on the right-hand side shows the updated target titles. Your image may be different depending on your wording.

10. Target icons

You may add icons to your target widgets to enhance their appearance and to help users locate specific widgets more quickly. Use the icons in the targets icon library, or icons of your choice for the target widgets. Add your selected icons to the resources folder in your project folder. In your resources.json file, add key/value pairs for your icon resources.

  "icon-healthcare-assessment": "icon-healthcare-assessment.svg",
  "icon-household": "icon-places-household.svg",
  "icon-cough": "icon-condition-cough.svg"

See Also: Icon Library

To upload resources to your local instance, run the following command:

cht --url=https://<username>:<password>@localhost --accept-self-signed-certs upload-resources

The image on the right-hand side shows the expected final appearance of the target widgets on adding and uploading resources. The figures on the widgets will depend on the number of reports submitted for contacts and the number of contacts you have created on your instance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Building > Targets > Overview

Dashboards to track metrics for an individual CHW or for an entire health facility

Building > Targets > targets.js

Definition of target widgets calculated and seen in the app

Designing > Best Practices : Anatomy of a Task

Best practices for configuring CHT Applications