
SMS Schedules: Defining SMS workflows with schedules, registration, and patient reports.

Schedules are defined in either the base_settings.json or the app_settings/schedules.json file and compiled in to the app_settings.json file with the compile-app-settings action in the cht-conf tool.

The schedules key contains an array of schedule objects, each representing the messages to send based on a registration.

app_settings.json .schedules[]

nameA unique string label that is used to identify the schedule. Spaces are allowed.yes
summaryShort description of the of the schedule.no
descriptionA narrative for the schedule.no
start_fromThe base date from which the messages[].offset is added to determine when to send individual messages. You could specify any property on the report that contains a date value. Starting from 4.5.0, an array of property names is also supported; in this case, the first defined field is used. The default is reported_date, which is when the report was submitted.no
start_mid_groupWhether or not a schedule can start mid-group. If not present, the schedule will not start mid-group. In other terms, the default value is falseno
messagesArray of objects, each containing a message to send out and its properties.yes
messages[].translation_keyThe translation key of the message to send out. Available in 2.15+.yes
messages[].messagesArray of message objects, each with content and locale properties. From 2.15 on use translation_key instead.no
messages[].groupInteger identifier to group messages that belong together so that they can be cleared together as a group by future reports. For instance a series of messages announcing a visit, and following up for a missed visit could be grouped together and cleared by a single visit report.yes
messages[].offsetTime interval from the start_from date for when the message should be sent. It is structured as a string with an integer value followed by a space and the time unit. For instance 8 weeks or 2 days. The units available are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and their singular forms as well. Note that although you can specify seconds, the accuracy of the sending time will be determined by delays in the processing the message on the server and on the gateway.yes
messages[].send_dayString value of the day of the week on which the message should be sent. For instance, to send a message at the beginning of the week setting it to "Monday" will make sure the message goes out on the closest Monday after the start_date + offset.no
messages[].send_timeTime of day that the message should be sent in 24 hour format.no
messages[].recipientRecipient of the message. It can be set to reporting_unit (sender of the form), clinic (clinic that the sender of the form is attached to), parent (parent of the sender of the form), or a specific phone number. See SMS Recipientsno

Code Sample

This sample shows a schedule with a single message, which will be sent on Monday 9am 4 weeks after the LMP date on the report that triggers this schedule:

"schedules": [ { "name": "ANC Visit Reminders", "summary": "", "description": "", "start_from": "lmp_date", "start_mid_group": true, "messages": [ { "translation_key": "messages.schedule.registration.followup_anc_pnc", "group": 1, "offset": "4 weeks", "send_day": "monday", "send_time": "09:00", "recipient": "reporting_unit" } ] } ]

The following sample schedules a message for 270 days from lmp_date. If lmp_date doesn’t exist on report, it will schedule a message for 270 days from fields.lmp_date. If neither field exists, it will not create a schedule. Using an array for start_from is supported from CHT 4.5.0+.

"schedules": [ { "name": "Delivery Reminder", "summary": "", "description": "", "start_from": ["lmp_date", "fields.lmp_date"], "start_mid_group": true, "messages": [ { "translation_key": "messages.schedule.deliery", "group": 1, "offset": "270 days", "recipient": "reporting_unit" } ] } ]

Building > Workflows > Overview

Building connections between people, actions, and data systems

Building > Reference > app_settings.json : Sms Recipient Resolution

Settings: The primary location of settings for CHT applications