API to interact with CHT Applications
This page covers the endpoints to use when integrating with the CHT server. If there isn’t an endpoint that provides the function or data you need, direct access to the database is possible via the CouchDB API. Access to the PostgreSQL database may also prove useful for data analysis. If additional endpoints would be helpful, please make suggestions via a GitHub issue.
Various properties throughout this API use a timestamp value, the following formats are supported:
ISO 8601 combined date and time with timezone of the format below where “Z” is offset from UTC like “-03”, “+1245”, or just “Z” which is UTC (0 offset);
Milliseconds since Unix Epoch
A compatible value can be generated using the toISOString
or toValue
on a Javascript Date object.
- 2011-10-10T14:48:00-0300
- 2016-07-01T13:48:24+00:00
- 2016-07-01T13:48:24Z
- 1467383343484 (MS since Epoch)
Get and update the app settings.
GET /api/v1/settings
Returns the settings in JSON format.
PUT /api/v1/settings
Query Parameters
Variable | Description |
overwrite | Whether to replace settings document with input document. If both replace and overwrite are set, then it overwrites only. Defaults to replace. |
replace | Whether to replace existing settings for the given properties or to merge. Defaults to false (merging). |
Returns a JSON object with two fields:
"success": true,
"upgraded": false
Variable | Type | Description |
success | Boolean | Always true |
upgraded | Boolean | Whether the settings doc was updated or not |
Request different types of data in various formats.
Each of the export endpoints except contacts, feedback, and user-devices supports a parameter which returns date formatted in human readable form (ISO 8601). Setting this parameter to false or leaving it out will return dates formatted as an epoch timestamp.
To set this parameter for a GET request use:
To set this parameter for a POST request submit this as the request body:
"options": {
"humanReadable": true
GET /api/v2/export/dhis
Exports target data formatted as a DHIS2 dataValueSet. The data can be filtered to a specific section of the contact hierarchy or for a given time interval.
Parameter | Description |
dataSet | A DHIS2 dataSet ID. Targets associated with this dataSet will have their data aggregated. (required) |
date.from | Filter the target data to be aggregated to be within the month of this timestamp. (required) |
orgUnit | Filter the target data to only that associated with contacts with attribute { dhis: { orgUnit } } . (optional) |
"filters": {
"dataSet": "VMuFODsyWaO",
"date": {
"from": 949392000000,
"orgUnit": "KbY9DJ8mBkx"
GET /api/v2/export/reports
It uses the search shared library to ensure identical results in the export and the front-end. It also only supports exporting CSV so we can efficiently stream infinitely large exports.
Query parameters
These are identical to the JS objects passed to the shared library, as if you were using it directly in Javascript.
You may either pass JSON in the request body using POST
POST /api/v2/export/reports
"filters": {
"forms": {
"selected": [
"code": "immunization_visit"
Or using form-style parameters as GET
GET /api/v2/export/reports?filters[search]=&filters[forms][selected][0][code]=immunization_visit
NB: this API is bound directly to this library. For more information on what queries you can perform with the search library, see its documentation.
GET /api/v2/export/messages
Download messages.
Column | Description |
Record UUID | The unique ID for the message in the database. |
Patient ID | The generated short patient ID for use in SMS. |
Reported Date | The date the message was received or generated. |
From | This phone number the message is or will be sent from. |
Contact Name | The name of the user this message is assigned to. |
Message Type | The type of the message |
Message State | The state of the message at the time this export was generated |
Received Timestamp | The datetime the message was received. Only applies to incoming messages. |
Other Timestamps | The datetime the message transitioned to each state. |
Sent By | The phone number the message was sent from. Only applies to incoming messages. |
To Phone | The phone number the message is or will be sent to. Only applies to outgoing messages. |
Message Body | The content of the message. |
GET /api/v2/export/feedback
Export a file containing the user feedback.
Query Parameters
Variable | Description |
format | The format of the returned file, either ‘csv’ or ‘xml’. Defaults to ‘csv’. |
locale | Locale for translatable data. Defaults to ’en’. |
tz | The timezone to show date values in, as an offset in minutes from GMT, for example ‘-120’. |
skip_header_row | ’true’ to omit the column headings. Defaults to ‘false’. |
GET /api/v2/export/contacts
Returns a JSON array of contacts.
Column | Description |
id | The unique ID for the contact in the database. |
rev | The current CouchDb revision of contact in the database. |
name | The name of the user this message is assigned to. |
patient_id | The generated short patient ID for use in SMS. |
type | The contact type. For configurable hierarchies, this will always be contact . |
contact_type | The configurable contact type. Will be empty if using the default hierarchy. |
place_id | The generated short place ID for use in SMS. |
Query parameters
These are identical to the JS objects passed to the shared library, as if you were using it directly in Javascript.
You may either pass JSON in the request body using POST
POST /api/v2/export/contacts
"filters": {
"search": "jim"
Or using form-style parameters as GET
GET /api/v2/export/contacts?filters[search]=jim
GET /api/v2/export/user-devices
Added in 4.7.0
Returns a JSON array of CHT-related software versions for each user device. This information is derived from the latest telemetry entry for each user device. If a particular user has used multiple devices, an entry will be included for each device. You can reference the date
value to determine which devices have been recently used. If multiple users used the same physical device (e.g. they were logged into the same phone at different times), an entry will be included for each user.
Column | Description |
user | The user’s name. |
deviceId | The unique key for the user’s device. |
date | The date the telemetry entry was taken in YYYY-MM-DD, see relevant docs. |
browser.name | The name of the browser used. |
browser.version | The version of the browser used. |
apk | The Internal version code of the Android app. |
android | The version of Android OS. |
cht | The version of CHT the user was on at time the telemetry entry was generated. |
settings | The revision of the App Settings document stored in CouchDB. |
GET /api/v1/forms
Returns a list of currently installed forms (in all available formats) in JSON format.
Key | Value | Description |
X-OpenRosa-Version | 1.0 | If this header is specified returns XML formatted forms list. See OpenRosa FormListAPI. |
Get list of forms currently installed.
GET /api/v1/forms
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
["anc_visit.xml","anc_registration.xml","off.xml", "off.json"]
Get OpenRosa XForms compatible forms installed in XML format.
GET /api/v1/forms
Host: medic.local
X-OpenRosa-Version: 1.0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
X-OpenRosa-Version: 1.0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xforms xmlns="http://openrosa.org/xforms/xformsList">
<name>Registration with LMP</name>
GET /api/v1/forms/{{id}}.{{format}}
Return form definition for a given form ID and format.
Variable | Description |
id | Form identifier |
format | Format string or file extension. e.g. xml, json |
Get latest version of the PregnancyRegistration form in xml (XForms) format.
GET /api/v1/forms/pregnancyregistration.xml
Get the latest version of the NPYY form in JSON format.
GET /api/v1/forms/NPYY.json
POST /api/v1/forms/validate
Added in 3.12.0
Validate the XForm passed. Require the can_configure
Key | Value | Description |
Content-Type | application/xml | The form is sent in XML format |
Authorization | Basic KEY | KEY is the “basic” token |
POST /api/v1/forms/validate HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXX
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xforms xmlns="http://openrosa.org/xforms/xformsList">
<name>Registration with LMP</name>
Example response when the form passed the validations:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
{ok: true}
Example response when the form failed the validations:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
{error: "Error transforming xml. xsltproc return ..."}
POST /api/v2/records
Create a new record based on a JSON form that has been configured.
Records can be created one of two ways, parsing the form data yourself and submitting a JSON object or by submitting the raw message string.
Key | Value | Description |
Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | Processes form parameters. |
Content-Type | application/json | Processes form data in request body as JSON. |
Only one variant of the Content-Type
header may be provided; RFC 2616 does not
allow multiple content types to appear in a single Content-Type
Form Parameters
Variable | Description |
message | Message string in a supported format like Muvuku or Textforms. Depending if your CHT instance is configured in forms-only mode or not you might receive an error if the form is not found. |
from | Reporting phone number. |
sent_timestamp | Timestamp in MS since Unix Epoch of when the message was received on the gateway. Defaults to now. |
JSON Properties
Special values reside in the property _meta
, so you can’t have a form field named _meta
. Only strings and numbers are currently support as field values.
All property names will be lowercased.
Key | Description |
_meta.form | The form code. |
_meta.from | Reporting phone number. Optional. |
_meta.reported_date | Timestamp in MS since Unix Epoch of when the message was received on the gateway. Defaults to now. |
_meta.locale | Optional locale string. Example: ‘fr’ |
Creating new record using message field.
POST /api/v1/records
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"success": true,
"id": "364c796a843fbe0a73476f9153012733"
Creating new record with JSON.
POST /api/v1/records
Content-Type: application/json
"nurse": "Sam",
"week": 23,
"year": 2015,
"visit": "ANC",
"_meta": {
"form": "YYYZ",
"reported_date": 1352399720000
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"success": true,
"id": "364c796a843fbe0a73476f9153012733"
If required fields are not found return 500.
If invalid JSON return error response 500.
If submitting JSON and corresponding form is not found on the server you will receive an error.
POST /api/sms
Endpoint used by cht-gateway to send sms messages. More documentation in the cht-gateway repo.
POST /api/v1/sms/{aggregator}/{endpoint}
Endpoint for integration with SMS aggregators. More details on the RapidPro and Africa’s Talking pages.
Added in 4.18.0
Returns a contact’s data in JSON format.
Query parameters
Name | Required | Description |
with_lineage | false | If “true”, the contact’s parent lineage will be included in the returned data. Default is “false”. |
Get a contact by uuid:
GET /api/v1/contact/d1c560e2-a07b-4562-a775-a2c7d0a9766f
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"_id": "d1c560e2-a07b-4562-a775-a2c7d0a9766f",
"_rev": "1-d13970de1501783cc52de0fd6db8beaf",
"type": "person",
"name": "Person Person",
"short_name": "August",
"date_of_birth": "1990-3-0",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1990-3-0",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "1990-04-01T02:12:34.933Z",
"dob_raw": "1990-3-0",
"dob_iso": "1990-3-0"
"sex": "female",
"phone": "+254777205792",
"phone_alternate": "",
"role": "patient",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1742012068469,
"parent": {
"_id": "a048aa9d-3fd0-4182-a7c1-ed65cbf29aa0",
"parent": {
"_id": "d828971b-d796-45b5-ab1a-943622d906a1",
"parent": {
"_id": "3bb8af4d-ee91-4889-9e11-5ba09a833b2e"
Get a contact with their lineage by uuid:
GET /api/v1/contact/d1c560e2-a07b-4562-a775-a2c7d0a9766f?with_lineage=true
"_id": "d1c560e2-a07b-4562-a775-a2c7d0a9766f",
"_rev": "1-d13970de1501783cc52de0fd6db8beaf",
"type": "person",
"name": "Person",
"short_name": "August",
"date_of_birth": "1990-3-0",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1990-3-0",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "1990-04-01T02:12:34.933Z",
"dob_raw": "1990-3-0",
"dob_iso": "1990-3-0"
"sex": "female",
"phone": "+254777205792",
"phone_alternate": "",
"role": "patient",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1742012068469,
"parent": {
"_id": "a048aa9d-3fd0-4182-a7c1-ed65cbf29aa0",
"_rev": "1-bc7ed2cf5e5997734513faab5f818c3e",
"type": "clinic",
"name": "Household",
"external_id": "rR9Ul",
"notes": "Atque non carmen patruus rem toties ceno uredo ad.\nPossimus aro victoria nam terra clamo campana.",
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1740727312910,
"parent": {
"_id": "d828971b-d796-45b5-ab1a-943622d906a1",
"_rev": "1-1c8e9ae54655e1892686e854e7d404ea",
"type": "health_center",
"name": "Health Center",
"external_id": "GlghB",
"notes": "Turbo amor utilis surgo vomica cedo.\nAlveus tabella tondeo itaque.",
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1742160968002,
"parent": {
"_id": "3bb8af4d-ee91-4889-9e11-5ba09a833b2e",
"_rev": "1-6b109ceccdfcd13f9f78968262d8c82a",
"type": "district_hospital",
"name": "Hospital",
"external_id": "Xge4N",
"notes": "Attonbitus sperno cernuus.\nVarius temeritas suadeo cimentarius tum.",
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1741973509708
GET /api/v1/contact/uuid
Added in 4.18.0
Returns a JSON array of strings of UUID’s of contacts based on the specified page parameters.
Query Parameters
Name | Required | Description |
type | true if freetext is not provided | ID of the contact_type for the contacts to fetch. |
freetext | true if type is not provided | A string search term for filtering the contacts to fetch. The string value should be at least 3 characters in length and not contain whitespace. |
cursor | false | The token identifying which page to retrieve. A null value indicates the first page should be returned. Subsequent pages can be retrieved by providing the cursor returned with the previous page. Defaults to null . |
limit | false | The total number of contacts to fetch. Defaults to 10000 . |
- Get an array of contact UUIDs of type
GET /api/v1/contact/uuid?type=person
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"data": [
"cursor": null
- Get an array of contact UUIDs with freetext
GET /api/v1/contact/uuid?freetext=abc
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"data": [
"cursor": null
- Get an array of 10 contact UUIDs with type
and freetextabc
after skipping some amount of contacts.
GET /api/v1/contact/uuid?type=person&freetext=abc&limit=10&cursor=W1t7InZhbHVlIjoyLjc5MzE5LCJAdHlwZSI6ImZ1dXQ==
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"data": [
"cursor": "W1t7InZhbHVlIjoyLjc5MzE5LCJAdHlwZSI6ImZsb2F0In0seyjoic3RyaW5nIn1dXQ=="
GET /api/v1/person/{{uuid}}
Added in 4.9.0
Returns a person’s data in JSON format.
Query parameters
Name | Required | Description |
with_lineage | false | If “true”, the person’s parent lineage will be included in the returned data. Default is “false”. |
Get a person by uuid:
GET /api/v1/person/f512e1d8-841b-4bc1-8154-b6794755f45b
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"_id": "f512e1d8-841b-4bc1-8154-b6794755f45b",
"_rev": "3-9dbc362b262f88d63f270fe06a94dfe8",
"type": "person",
"name": "Example CHW",
"date_of_birth": "2002-02-20",
"phone": "+254712345679",
"sex": "female",
"role": "chw",
"reported_date": 1708453778059,
"parent": {
"_id": "d9153705-4574-43c3-b945-71aa2164d1d6",
"parent": {
"_id": "b935ef10-0339-4263-99fc-34d4f8d72891"
"patient_id": "74615"
Get a person by uuid with lineage:
GET /api/v1/person/f512e1d8-841b-4bc1-8154-b6794755f45b?with_lineage=true
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"_id": "f512e1d8-841b-4bc1-8154-b6794755f45b",
"_rev": "3-9dbc362b262f88d63f270fe06a94dfe8",
"type": "person",
"name": "Example CHW",
"date_of_birth": "2002-02-20",
"phone": "+254712345679",
"sex": "female",
"role": "chw",
"reported_date": 1708453778059,
"parent": {
"_id": "d9153705-4574-43c3-b945-71aa2164d1d6",
"_rev": "2-5f5fde4a8def0f40f89bd164d93bed4f",
"parent": {
"_id": "b935ef10-0339-4263-99fc-34d4f8d72891",
"_rev": "2-bdea703bfec184085c31a6bab022764f",
"type": "district_hospital",
"name": "Example Health Facility",
"contact": {
"_id": "e5237f20-2d28-4272-8006-c4903e032ab4",
"_rev": "3-5a0a8e95cef8bafc186a9494c75afb3c",
"type": "person",
"name": "Example Supervisor",
"date_of_birth": "2002-02-20",
"phone": "+254712345678",
"sex": "female",
"role": "chw_supervisor",
"reported_date": 1708453756441,
"parent": {
"_id": "b935ef10-0339-4263-99fc-34d4f8d72891"
"patient_id": "20424"
"reported_date": 1708453756440,
"place_id": "54380"
"type": "health_center",
"name": "Example Health Center",
"contact": {
"_id": "f512e1d8-841b-4bc1-8154-b6794755f45b",
"_rev": "3-9dbc362b262f88d63f270fe06a94dfe8",
"type": "person",
"name": "Example CHW",
"date_of_birth": "2002-02-20",
"phone": "+254712345679",
"sex": "female",
"role": "chw",
"reported_date": 1708453778059,
"parent": {
"_id": "d9153705-4574-43c3-b945-71aa2164d1d6",
"parent": {
"_id": "b935ef10-0339-4263-99fc-34d4f8d72891"
"patient_id": "74615"
"reported_date": 1708453778059,
"place_id": "17437"
"patient_id": "74615"
GET /api/v1/person
Added in 4.11.0
Returns a JSON array of people based on the specified page parameters.
Query Parameters
Name | Required | Description |
type | true | ID of the contact_type for the people to fetch. |
cursor | false | The token identifying which page to retrieve. A null value indicates the first page should be returned. Subsequent pages can be retrieved by providing the cursor returned with the previous page. Defaults to null . |
limit | false | The total number of people to fetch. Defaults to 100 . |
- Get people of type
GET /api/v1/person?type=person
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"data": [
"_id": "0c9cc77d-7858-44dd-bf44-a25b14334801",
"_rev": "1-5fd1e08353c3d102e9b6710eed98dd65",
"type": "person",
"name": "A",
"short_name": "",
"date_of_birth": "1961-09-15",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1961-09-15",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "2024-08-05T00:00:00.000+06:45",
"dob_raw": "1961-09-15",
"dob_iso": "1961-09-15"
"phone": "",
"phone_alternate": "",
"sex": "male",
"role": "manager",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"user_for_contact": {
"create": "false"
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722840232495,
"parent": {
"_id": "8f98977e-8475-4bef-a064-2ba305b93f3f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606681,
"sha256": "b76e6304218d7e5d7f63c044da514784f0db4b293c1b35ac301ac7ec99876824"
"_id": "6fbd5d57-28aa-4a2a-93aa-e9b9f4a3dde3",
"_rev": "1-3824f633dda834f676d7d27622ed9371",
"type": "person",
"name": "B",
"short_name": "",
"date_of_birth": "1989-02-10",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1989-02-10",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "2024-07-26T00:00:00.000+06:45",
"dob_raw": "1989-02-10",
"dob_iso": "1989-02-10"
"phone": "",
"phone_alternate": "",
"sex": "male",
"role": "manager",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"user_for_contact": {
"create": "false"
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722004033697,
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606680,
"sha256": "a2bce7debe191964d6f0a26e0d9cce2ca4437c87a59753688cefac6d2edc9873"
"_id": "99ea9cf6-8bef-475c-a769-3db0d1888f22",
"_rev": "1-2eea14e985aeffd40b33552b33db55a9",
"type": "person",
"name": "C",
"short_name": "",
"date_of_birth": "1989-02-11",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1989-02-11",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "2024-07-26T00:00:00.000+06:45",
"dob_raw": "1989-02-11",
"dob_iso": "1989-02-11"
"phone": "",
"phone_alternate": "",
"sex": "male",
"role": "patient",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"user_for_contact": {
"create": "false"
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722004087809,
"parent": {
"_id": "be9eb905-1dd3-4957-89ed-b74d080a8246",
"parent": {
"_id": "b132829c-6267-4d4f-aa8e-11862828e65f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606678,
"sha256": "c533208263cb5892a50ede65acd31553863a1b9ac84d2b19e993ddc6f9690e1b"
"_id": "a4e075ce-66cb-47bf-afe8-4c72d1674852",
"_rev": "1-4a5920ecc73521905fa6661b9b142346",
"type": "person",
"name": "D",
"short_name": "",
"date_of_birth": "1991-03-05",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1991-03-05",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "2024-08-05T00:00:00.000+06:45",
"dob_raw": "1991-03-05",
"dob_iso": "1991-03-05"
"phone": "",
"phone_alternate": "",
"sex": "male",
"role": "patient",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"user_for_contact": {
"create": "false"
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722842989644,
"parent": {
"_id": "1c5c9538-4832-47f4-9398-e113ec0bc856",
"parent": {
"_id": "8f98977e-8475-4bef-a064-2ba305b93f3f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606678,
"sha256": "c533208263cb5892a50ede65acd31553863a1b9ac84d2b19e993ddc6f9690e1b"
"_id": "dc2506e6-55c0-4874-a4a1-334fabef3044",
"_rev": "1-a9fa456db5b1aff444819ca91cd07c5b",
"type": "person",
"name": "E",
"short_name": "",
"date_of_birth": "1916-06-14",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1916-06-14",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "2024-07-26T00:00:00.000+06:45",
"dob_raw": "1916-06-14",
"dob_iso": "1916-06-14"
"phone": "",
"phone_alternate": "",
"sex": "male",
"role": "manager",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"user_for_contact": {
"create": "false"
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722004065958,
"parent": {
"_id": "b132829c-6267-4d4f-aa8e-11862828e65f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606681,
"sha256": "b76e6304218d7e5d7f63c044da514784f0db4b293c1b35ac301ac7ec99876824"
... // 95 more records or less if database has less than 100 records
"cursor": null
- Get the second set of 100 people of type
by using cursor100
GET /api/v1/person?type=person&cursor=100&limit=100
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"data": [
"_id": "6fbd5d57-28aa-4a2a-93aa-e9b9f4a3dde3",
"_rev": "1-3824f633dda834f676d7d27622ed9371",
"type": "person",
"name": "X",
"short_name": "x",
"date_of_birth": "1989-02-10",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1989-02-10",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "2024-07-26T00:00:00.000+06:45",
"dob_raw": "1989-02-10",
"dob_iso": "1989-02-10"
"phone": "",
"phone_alternate": "",
"sex": "male",
"role": "manager",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"user_for_contact": {
"create": "false"
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722004033697,
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606680,
"sha256": "a2bce7debe191964d6f0a26e0d9cce2ca4437c87a59753688cefac6d2edc9873"
"_id": "99ea9cf6-8bef-475c-a769-3db0d1888f22",
"_rev": "1-2eea14e985aeffd40b33552b33db55a9",
"type": "person",
"name": "Y",
"short_name": "y",
"date_of_birth": "1989-02-11",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1989-02-11",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "2024-07-26T00:00:00.000+06:45",
"dob_raw": "1989-02-11",
"dob_iso": "1989-02-11"
"phone": "",
"phone_alternate": "",
"sex": "male",
"role": "patient",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"user_for_contact": {
"create": "false"
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722004087809,
"parent": {
"_id": "be9eb905-1dd3-4957-89ed-b74d080a8246",
"parent": {
"_id": "b132829c-6267-4d4f-aa8e-11862828e65f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606678,
"sha256": "c533208263cb5892a50ede65acd31553863a1b9ac84d2b19e993ddc6f9690e1b"
"_id": "a4e075ce-66cb-47bf-afe8-4c72d1674852",
"_rev": "1-4a5920ecc73521905fa6661b9b142346",
"type": "person",
"name": "Z",
"short_name": "z",
"date_of_birth": "1991-03-05",
"date_of_birth_method": "",
"ephemeral_dob": {
"dob_calendar": "1991-03-05",
"dob_method": "",
"dob_approx": "2024-08-05T00:00:00.000+06:45",
"dob_raw": "1991-03-05",
"dob_iso": "1991-03-05"
"phone": "",
"phone_alternate": "",
"sex": "male",
"role": "patient",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"user_for_contact": {
"create": "false"
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722842989644,
"parent": {
"_id": "1c5c9538-4832-47f4-9398-e113ec0bc856",
"parent": {
"_id": "8f98977e-8475-4bef-a064-2ba305b93f3f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606678,
"sha256": "c533208263cb5892a50ede65acd31553863a1b9ac84d2b19e993ddc6f9690e1b"
"cursor": "4"
Supported Properties
Use JSON in the request body to specify a person’s details.
Note: this does not accommodate having a place
field on your form and will likely be revised soon.
Key | Description |
name | String used to describe the person. |
type | ID of the contact_type for the new person. Defaults to ‘person’ for backwards compatibility. |
Key | Description |
place | String that references a place or object that defines a new place. |
reported_date | Timestamp of when the record was reported or created. Defaults to now. |
POST /api/v1/people
Create new people.
By default any user can create or modify a place. Use these permissions to restrict access:
, can_create_places
Create new person and place hierarchy.
POST /api/v1/people
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Hannah",
"phone": "+2548277210095",
"type": "contact",
"contact_type": "patient",
"place": {
"name": "CHP Area One",
"type": "health_center",
"parent": {
"name": "CHP Branch One",
"type": "district_hospital"
Create new person and assign existing place.
POST /api/v1/people
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Samuel",
"place": "1d83f2b4a27eceb40df9e9f9ad06d137",
"type": "contact",
"contact_type": "chp"
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "71df9d25ed6732ea3b4435862510d115",
"rev": "1-a4060843d78f46a60a6f41051e40e3b5"
GET /api/v1/place/{{uuid}}
Added in 4.10.0
Returns a place’s data in JSON format.
Query parameters
Name | Required | Description |
with_lineage | false | If “true”, the place’s parent lineage will be included in the returned data. Default is “false”. |
Get a place by uuid:
GET /api/v1/place/d9153705-4574-43c3-b945-71aa2164d1d6
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"_id": "d9153705-4574-43c3-b945-71aa2164d1d6",
"_rev": "2-5f5fde4a8def0f40f89bd164d93bed4f",
"parent": {
"_id": "b935ef10-0339-4263-99fc-34d4f8d72891"
"type": "health_center",
"name": "Example Health Center",
"contact": {
"_id": "f512e1d8-841b-4bc1-8154-b6794755f45b",
"parent": {
"_id": "d9153705-4574-43c3-b945-71aa2164d1d6",
"parent": {
"_id": "b935ef10-0339-4263-99fc-34d4f8d72891"
"reported_date": 1708453778059,
"place_id": "17437"
Get a place by uuid with lineage:
GET /api/v1/place/d9153705-4574-43c3-b945-71aa2164d1d6?with_lineage=true
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"_id": "d9153705-4574-43c3-b945-71aa2164d1d6",
"_rev": "2-5f5fde4a8def0f40f89bd164d93bed4f",
"parent": {
"_id": "b935ef10-0339-4263-99fc-34d4f8d72891",
"_rev": "2-bdea703bfec184085c31a6bab022764f",
"parent": "",
"type": "district_hospital",
"name": "Example Health Facility",
"contact": {
"_id": "e5237f20-2d28-4272-8006-c4903e032ab4",
"_rev": "3-5a0a8e95cef8bafc186a9494c75afb3c",
"type": "person",
"name": "Example Supervisor",
"date_of_birth": "2002-02-20",
"phone": "+254712345678",
"sex": "female",
"role": "chw_supervisor",
"reported_date": 1708453756441,
"parent": {
"_id": "b935ef10-0339-4263-99fc-34d4f8d72891"
"patient_id": "20424"
"reported_date": 1708453756440,
"place_id": "54380"
"type": "health_center",
"name": "Example Health Center",
"contact": {
"_id": "f512e1d8-841b-4bc1-8154-b6794755f45b",
"_rev": "3-9dbc362b262f88d63f270fe06a94dfe8",
"type": "person",
"name": "Example CHW",
"date_of_birth": "2002-02-20",
"phone": "+254712345679",
"sex": "female",
"role": "chw",
"reported_date": 1708453778059,
"parent": {
"_id": "d9153705-4574-43c3-b945-71aa2164d1d6",
"parent": {
"_id": "b935ef10-0339-4263-99fc-34d4f8d72891"
"patient_id": "74615"
"reported_date": 1708453778059,
"place_id": "17437"
GET /api/v1/place
Added in 4.12.0
Returns a JSON array of places based on the specified page parameters.
Query Parameters
Name | Required | Description |
type | true | ID of the contact_type for the places to fetch. |
cursor | false | The token identifying which page to retrieve. A null value indicates the first page should be returned. Subsequent pages can be retrieved by providing the cursor returned with the previous page. Defaults to null . |
limit | false | The total number of places to fetch. Defaults to 100 . |
- Get places of type
GET /api/v1/place?type=clinic
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"data": [
"_id": "1c5c9538-4832-47f4-9398-e113ec0bc856",
"_rev": "1-ec14166e5a1b0014d923a6c0aef85362",
"parent": {
"_id": "8f98977e-8475-4bef-a064-2ba305b93f3f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"type": "clinic",
"is_name_generated": "true",
"name": "A clinic",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"contact": {
"_id": "a4e075ce-66cb-47bf-afe8-4c72d1674852"
"geolocation": "",
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722842989644,
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606678,
"sha256": "c533208263cb5892a50ede65acd31553863a1b9ac84d2b19e993ddc6f9690e1b"
"_id": "be9eb905-1dd3-4957-89ed-b74d080a8246",
"_rev": "1-d1444e92bd1973e9d8366c0a55346c0a",
"parent": {
"_id": "b132829c-6267-4d4f-aa8e-11862828e65f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"type": "clinic",
"is_name_generated": "true",
"name": "B clinic",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"contact": {
"_id": "99ea9cf6-8bef-475c-a769-3db0d1888f22"
"geolocation": "",
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722004087809,
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606678,
"sha256": "c533208263cb5892a50ede65acd31553863a1b9ac84d2b19e993ddc6f9690e1b"
... // 98 more records or less if database has less than 100 records
"cursor": null
- Get 2 places of type
by using cursor1
GET /api/v1/place?type=clinic&cursor=1&limit=2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"data": [
"_id": "1c5c9538-4832-47f4-9398-e113ec0bc856",
"_rev": "1-ec14166e5a1b0014d923a6c0aef85362",
"parent": {
"_id": "8f98977e-8475-4bef-a064-2ba305b93f3f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"type": "clinic",
"is_name_generated": "true",
"name": "A clinic",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"contact": {
"_id": "a4e075ce-66cb-47bf-afe8-4c72d1674852"
"geolocation": "",
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722842989644,
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606678,
"sha256": "c533208263cb5892a50ede65acd31553863a1b9ac84d2b19e993ddc6f9690e1b"
"_id": "be9eb905-1dd3-4957-89ed-b74d080a8246",
"_rev": "1-d1444e92bd1973e9d8366c0a55346c0a",
"parent": {
"_id": "b132829c-6267-4d4f-aa8e-11862828e65f",
"parent": {
"_id": "a7922ef9-ea7a-47d9-b3eb-b78b13d31460"
"type": "clinic",
"is_name_generated": "true",
"name": "B clinic",
"external_id": "",
"notes": "",
"contact": {
"_id": "99ea9cf6-8bef-475c-a769-3db0d1888f22"
"geolocation": "",
"meta": {
"created_by": "medic",
"created_by_person_uuid": "",
"created_by_place_uuid": ""
"reported_date": 1722004087809,
"form_version": {
"time": 1720158606678,
"sha256": "c533208263cb5892a50ede65acd31553863a1b9ac84d2b19e993ddc6f9690e1b"
"cursor": "3"
By default any user can create or modify a place.
Supported Properties
Use JSON in the request body to specify a place’s details.
Required Properties
Key | Description |
name | String used to describe the place. |
type | Place type |
parent | String that references a place or object that defines a new place. Optional for District Hospital and National Office types. |
Optional Properties
Key | Description |
contact | String identifier for a person or object that defines a new person. |
reported_date | Timestamp of when the record was reported or created. Defaults to now. |
Place Types
Key | Description |
clinic | Clinic |
health_center | Health Center |
district_hospital | District Hospital |
national_office | National Office |
POST /api/v1/places
Create a new place and optionally a contact.
By default any user can create new places. Use these permissions to restrict access:
, can_create_people
Create new place referencing existing parent.
POST /api/v1/places
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Busia Clinic",
"type": "clinic",
"parent": "1d83f2b4a27eceb40df9e9f9ad06d137"
Create child and parent places.
POST /api/v1/places
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "CHP Area One",
"type": "health_center",
"parent": {
"name": "CHP Branch One",
"type": "district_hospital"
Also creates contact (person).
POST /api/v1/places
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "CHP Area One",
"type": "health_center",
"parent": {
"name": "CHP Branch One",
"type": "district_hospital"
"contact": {
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+254883720611"
Or assigns them.
POST /api/v1/places
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "CHP Area One",
"type": "health_center",
"parent": {
"name": "CHP Branch One",
"type": "district_hospital"
"contact": "71df9d25ed6732ea3b4435862510ef8e"
Example success response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "71df9d25ed6732ea3b4435862510d115",
"rev": "1-a4060843d78f46a60a6f41051e40e3b5"
Error response if facility structure is not correct:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain
Health Centers should have "district_hospital" parent type.
POST /api/v1/places/{{id}}
Update a place and optionally its contact.
By default any user can update a place. Use these permissions to restrict access:
Update a place’s contact.
POST /api/v1/places/1d83f2b4a27eceb40df9e9f9ad06d137
Content-Type: application/json
"contact": "71df9d25ed6732ea3b4435862505f7a9"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "1d83f2b4a27eceb40df9e9f9ad06d137",
"rev": "12-a4060843d78f46a60a6f41051e40e3b5"
Added in 4.18.0
Returns a report’s data in JSON format.
Get a report by uuid:
GET /api/v1/report/232a3938-9b1c-4d88-bbd8-8ebd6a688b2d
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"_id": "232a3938-9b1c-4d88-bbd8-8ebd6a688b2d",
"_rev": "1-68ec4e77bbba238ef09dab5e8c8131e7",
"form": "pregnancy_danger_sign",
"type": "data_record",
"content_type": "xml",
"reported_date": 1742380956176,
"fields": {
"patient_uuid": "1f605fc1-ec99-44e3-af38-055d47b72991",
"patient_age_in_years": 34,
"patient_name": "Della Runolfsdottir",
"t_danger_signs_referral_follow_up_date": "2025-03-18T13:14:08.030Z",
"t_danger_signs_referral_follow_up": "yes",
"danger_signs": {
"danger_signs_note": "",
"danger_signs_question_note": "",
"vaginal_bleeding": "yes",
"fits": "no",
"severe_abdominal_pain": "yes",
"severe_headache": "no",
"very_pale": "yes",
"fever": "yes",
"reduced_or_no_fetal_movements": "yes",
"breaking_water": "yes",
"easily_tired": "no",
"face_hand_swelling": "yes",
"breathlessness": "no",
"r_danger_sign_present": "yes",
"refer_patient_note_1": "",
"refer_patient_note_2": ""
"contact": {
"_id": "1f605fc1-ec99-44e3-af38-055d47b72991",
"parent": {
"_id": "637756e8-6f4d-4f96-8971-23e930fb0562",
"parent": {
"_id": "9246ada7-85c6-427a-8a48-7790f56b8c44",
"parent": {
"_id": "e795199a-924d-4901-8bff-46cb7db2fc34"
GET /api/v1/report/uuid
Added in 4.18.0
Returns a JSON array of strings of UUID’s of reports based on the specified page parameters.
Query Parameters
Name | Required | Description |
freetext | true | A string search term for filtering the reports to fetch. The string value should be at least 3 characters in length and not contain whitespace. |
cursor | false | The token identifying which page to retrieve. A null value indicates the first page should be returned. Subsequent pages can be retrieved by providing the cursor returned with the previous page. Defaults to null . |
limit | false | The total number of reports to fetch. Defaults to 10000 . |
- Get an array of report UUIDs with freetext
GET /api/v1/report/uuid?freetext=abc
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"data": [
"cursor": null
- Get an array of 10 report UUIDs with freetext
after skipping some amount of reports.
GET /api/v1/report/uuid?type=person&freetext=abc&limit=10&cursor=W1t7InZhbHVlIjoyLjczNTQ2MTIsIkB0eXBlIjoiZmxvY5nIn1dXQ==
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"data": [
"cursor": "W1t7InZhbHVlIjoyLjczNTQ2MTIsIkB0eXBlIjoiZmxvYXQifSx73LTEzOGYyZjljOWRhMiIsIkB0eXBlIjoic3RyaW5nIn1dXQ=="
All user related requests are limited to users with admin privileges by default.
Supported Properties
Use JSON in the request body to specify user details. Any properties submitted that are not on the list below will be ignored. Any properties not included will be undefined.
Name | Required | Type | Description | Version |
username | yes | String | identifier used for authentication | |
roles | yes | Array | ||
place | yes, if the roles contain an offline role | string or object | Place identifier string (UUID) or object this user resides in. | |
contact | yes, if the roles contain an offline role | string or object | A person identifier string (UUID) or object based on the form configured in the app. | |
password | yes, if token_login is not enabled for the user | String | Password string used for authentication. Only allowed to be set, not retrieved. | |
phone | yes, if token_login is enabled for the user | String | Valid phone number | |
token_login | no | Boolean | A boolean representing whether or not the Login by SMS should be enabled for this user. | 3.10.0 |
fullname | no | String | Full name | |
no | String | Email address | ||
known | no | Boolean | Boolean to define if the user has logged in before. |
Login by SMS
When creating or updating a user, sending a truthy value for the field token_login
will enable Login by SMS for this user.
This action resets the user’s password to an unknown string and generates a complex 64 character token, that is used to generate a token-login URL.
The URL is sent to the user’s phone number by SMS, along with another (configurable) SMS that can contain additional information.
Accessing this link, before its expiration time, will log the user in directly - without the need of any other credentials.
The link can only be accessed once, the token becomes invalid after being used for one login.
The token expires in 24 hours, after which logging in is only possible by either generating a new token, or disabling token_login
and manually setting a password.
The SMS messages are stored in a doc of a new type login_token
. These docs cannot be viewed as reports from the webapp, and can only be edited by admins, but their messages are visible in the Admin Message Queue page.
To disable login by SMS for a user, update the user sending token_login
with a false
To regenerate the token, update the user sending token_login
with a true
token_login | user state | action |
undefined | new | None |
undefined | existent, no token | None |
undefined | existent, with token | None. Login by SMS remains enabled. Token is unchanged. |
true | new | Login by SMS enabled. Token is generated and SMS is sent. |
true | existent, no token | Password is reset. Login by SMS enabled. Token is generated and SMS is sent. Existent sessions are invalidated. |
true | existent, with token | Password is reset. Login by SMS enabled. New token is generated and SMS is sent. Old token is invalid. Existent sessions are invalidated. |
false | new | None. |
false | existent, no token | None. |
false | existent, with token | Request requires a password. Login by SMS is disabled. Old token is invalidated. Existent sessions are invalidated. |
This feature uses app_settings.app_url
and app_settings.token_login
to be defined and enabled.
If app_settings.app_url
is not defined, the generated token-login URL will use the Host
request header, which may not always be correct.
See Also: Accessing CHT Apps
GET /api/v1/users
DEPRECATED: use /api/v2/users
Returns a list of users and their profile data in JSON format.
Get list of users:
GET /api/v1/users
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"id": "org.couchdb.user:admin",
"rev": "10-6486428924d11781c107ea74de6b63b6",
"type": "admin",
"username": "admin"
"id": "org.couchdb.user:demo",
"rev": "14-8758c8493edcc6dac50366173fc3e24a",
"type": "district-manager",
"fullname": "Example User",
"username": "demo",
"place": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17d38b",
"type": "district_hospital",
"name": "Sample District",
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
GET /api/v2/users
Added in 4.1.0
Returns a list of users and their profile data in JSON format.
Query Parameters
Variable | Description |
facility_id | Added in 4.7.0. String identifier representing the uuid of the user’s facility. |
contact_id | Added in 4.7.0. String identifier representing the uuid of the user’s associated contact. |
Get list of users:
GET /api/v2/users
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"id": "org.couchdb.user:admin",
"rev": "10-6486428924d11781c107ea74de6b63b6",
"roles": [ "admin" ],
"username": "admin"
"id": "org.couchdb.user:demo",
"rev": "14-8758c8493edcc6dac50366173fc3e24a",
"roles": [ "district_admin", "data_user" ],
"fullname": "Example User",
"username": "demo",
"place": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17d38b",
"type": "district_hospital",
"name": "Sample District",
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
Get users with a specific facility_id
GET /api/v2/users?facility_id=eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17d38b
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"id": "org.couchdb.user:demo",
"rev": "14-8758c8493edcc6dac50366173fc3e24a",
"roles": [ "district_admin", "data_user" ],
"fullname": "Example User",
"username": "demo",
"place": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17d38b",
"type": "district_hospital",
"name": "Sample District",
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
Get users with a specific contact_id
GET /api/v2/users?contact_id=eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"id": "org.couchdb.user:demo",
"rev": "14-8758c8493edcc6dac50366173fc3e24a",
"roles": [ "district_admin", "data_user" ],
"fullname": "Example User",
"username": "demo",
"place": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17d38b",
"type": "district_hospital",
"name": "Sample District",
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
GET /api/v2/users/{{username}}
Added in 4.7.0
Returns a user’s profile data in JSON format.
Get a user by username:
GET /api/v2/users/demo
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"id": "org.couchdb.user:demo",
"rev": "14-8758c8493edcc6dac50366173fc3e24a",
"type": "district-manager",
"fullname": "Example User",
"username": "demo",
"place": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17d38b",
"type": "district_hospital",
"name": "Sample District",
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
"contact": {
"_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
"type": "person",
"name": "Paul",
"phone": "+2868917046"
POST /api/v1/users
Create new users with a place and a contact.
Creating multiple users at once by passing an array of users was introduced in version 3.15. All users need to meet the following requirements before any of them are created:
- All required fields are filled in
- The password is at least 8 characters long and difficult to guess
- The phone number is valid when
is enabled
Users are created in parallel and the creation is not aborted even if one of the users fails to be created.
Passing a single user in the request’s body will return a single object whereas passing an array of users will return an array of objects as shown in the examples below.
Create one user
Create a new user that can authenticate with a username of “mary” and password of “secret” that can submit reports and view or modify records associated to their place. The place is created in the background and automatically linked to the contact.
POST /api/v1/users
Content-Type: application/json
"password": "secret",
"username": "mary",
"type": "district-manager",
"place": {
"name": "Mary's Area",
"type": "health_center",
"parent": "d14e1c3d557761320b13a77e7806e8f8"
"contact": {
"name": "Mary Anyango",
"phone": "+2868917046"
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
"contact": {
"id": "65416b8ceb53ff88ac1847654501aeb3",
"rev": "1-0b74d219ae13137c1a06f03a0a52e187"
"user-settings": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-6ac1d36b775143835f4af53f9895d7ae"
"user": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-c3b82a0b47cfe68edd9284c89bebbae4"
Create many users
Create two new users that can authenticate with a username and a password that can submit reports and view or modify records associated to their place. The place is created in the background and automatically linked to the contact.
POST /api/v1/users
Content-Type: application/json
"password": "secret",
"username": "mary",
"type": "district-manager",
"place": {
"name": "Mary's Area",
"type": "health_center",
"parent": "d14e1c3d557761320b13a77e7806e8f8"
"contact": {
"name": "Mary Anyango",
"phone": "+2868917046"
"password": "secret",
"username": "bob",
"type": "district-manager",
"place": {
"name": "Bob's Area",
"type": "health_center",
"parent": "d14e1c3d557761320b13a77e7806e8f8"
"contact": {
"name": "Bob Johnson",
"phone": "+2868194607"
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
"contact": {
"id": "65416b8ceb53ff88ac1847654501aeb3",
"rev": "1-0b74d219ae13137c1a06f03a0a52e187"
"user-settings": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-6ac1d36b775143835f4af53f9895d7ae"
"user": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-c3b82a0b47cfe68edd9284c89bebbae4"
"contact": {
"id": "8d8a741c1cb441058e29a60ab7596bf2",
"rev": "1-acbc31712fd105eae3cd0806cd20a8f4"
"user-settings": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:bob",
"rev": "1-d8629838127accd531043f845c416ef6"
"user": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:bob",
"rev": "1-5eac2542c801ba6b518728f53d9276a0"
Response when the username already exists
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
"code": 400,
"error": {
"message": "Username \"mary\" already taken.",
"translationKey": "username.taken",
"translationParams": {
"username": "mary"
Response when users are missing required fields
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
"code": 400,
"error": "Missing required fields:\n\Missing fields username, password, type or roles for user at index 0\nMissing fields password, type or roles for user at index 1",
"details": {
"failingIndexes": [
"fields": [
"type or roles"
"index": 0
"fields": [
"type or roles"
"index": 1
Response when some users failed to be created
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
"contact": {
"id": "65416b8ceb53ff88ac1847654501aeb3",
"rev": "1-0b74d219ae13137c1a06f03a0a52e187"
"user-settings": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-6ac1d36b775143835f4af53f9895d7ae"
"user": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-c3b82a0b47cfe68edd9284c89bebbae4"
"error": "Failed to find place."
POST /api/v2/users
Added in 3.16.0
Create new users with a place and a contact from a CSV file.
Creating users from a CSV file behaves the same as passing a JSON array of users into the POST /api/v1/users
where a row represents a user object and a column represents a user object property.
Columns with a :excluded
suffix will be ignored, this allows providing a more user-friendly experience with
autocompletion on fields or dealing with names instead of long, unreadable ids.
In order to facilitate this process, we have made available a spreadsheet compatible with the default
configuration of the CHT.
Click here to make a copy of the spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
A guide on how to import users with this spreadsheet from within the Admin Console is available
in case you don’t want to interact with this API yourself.
A log entry is created with each bulk import that contains the import status for each user and the import progress status
that gets updated throughout the import and finalized upon completion.
These entries are saved in the medic-logs
database and you can access them
by querying documents with a key that starts with bulk-user-upload-
Key | Value | Description |
Content-Type | text/csv | Processes form data in request body as JSON. |
Create two new users that can authenticate with a username and a password
that can submit reports and view or modify records associated to their place.
Along with a new user, a new contact and new place are created as well.
The new place will be a child of place.parent
(see the UUID fe4da0f9-7d65-4834-bb42-88a5239bbd3b
and must already exist or else the new place will be an orphan record in the hierarchy and not show up in the GUI.
POST /api/v2/users
Content-Type: text/csv
Mary,Anyango,female,+2868917046,,,FALSE,chw,contact,person,Mary Anyango,mary,WrAGyGD9805,2868917046,fe4da0f9-7d65-4834-bb42-88a5239bbd3b,health_center,Mary Anyango's Health center,clinic,chw,Mary Anyango
Bob,Johnson,male,+2868194607,,,FALSE,chw,contact,person,Bob Johnson,bob,JzAEQzY2614,2868194607,fe4da0f9-7d65-4834-bb42-88a5239bbd3b,health_center,Bob Johnson's Health center,clinic,chw,Bob Johnson
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
"contact": {
"id": "65416b8ceb53ff88ac1847654501aeb3",
"rev": "1-0b74d219ae13137c1a06f03a0a52e187"
"user-settings": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-6ac1d36b775143835f4af53f9895d7ae"
"user": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-c3b82a0b47cfe68edd9284c89bebbae4"
"contact": {
"id": "8d8a741c1cb441058e29a60ab7596bf2",
"rev": "1-acbc31712fd105eae3cd0806cd20a8f4"
"user-settings": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:bob",
"rev": "1-d8629838127accd531043f845c416ef6"
"user": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:bob",
"rev": "1-5eac2542c801ba6b518728f53d9276a0"
Response when the username already exists
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
"error": "Missing required fields: username"
Response when users are missing required fields
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
"error": "Missing required fields: username"
"error": "Missing required fields: password"
Response when some users failed to be created
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
"contact": {
"id": "65416b8ceb53ff88ac1847654501aeb3",
"rev": "1-0b74d219ae13137c1a06f03a0a52e187"
"user-settings": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-6ac1d36b775143835f4af53f9895d7ae"
"user": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "1-c3b82a0b47cfe68edd9284c89bebbae4"
"error": "Failed to find place."
POST /api/v1/users/{{username}}
Allows you to change property values on a user account. Properties listed above
are supported except for contact.parent
. Creating or modifying people
through the user is not supported, see People section.
, can_update_places
, can_update_people
Updating yourself
You do not need any of the above permissions if the user you are modifying is yourself. However, you are not allowed to modify your type
, roles
, contact
or place
Further more, if you’re updating your password
you must be authenticating via Basic Auth (either the header or in the URL). This is to ensure the password is known at time of request, and no one is hijacking a cookie.
URL Parameters
Variable | Description |
username | String identifier used for authentication. |
POST /api/v1/users/mary
Content-Type: application/json
"password": "secret",
"place": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17e342"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"user": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "23-858e01fafdfa0d367d798fe5b44751ff"
"user-settings": {
"id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
"rev": "17-c6d03b86d2d5d70f7270c85e67fea96d"
DELETE /api/v1/users/{{username}}
Delete a user. Does not affect a person or place associated to a user.
URL Parameters
Variable | Description |
username | String identifier used for authentication. |
DELETE /api/v1/users/mary
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
GET /api/v1/users-info
Returns the total number of documents an offline user would replicate (total_docs
), the number of docs excluding tasks the user would replicate (warn_docs
), along with a warn
flag if this number exceeds the recommended limit (now set at 10 000).
When the authenticated requester has an offline role, it returns the requester doc count.
GET /api/v1/users-info -H 'Cookie: AuthSession=OFFLINE_USER_SESSION;'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"total_docs": 5678,
"warn_docs": 4852,
"warn": false,
"limit: 10000
When the requester has an online role, the following query parameters are accepted:
Query Parameters
Variable | Description | Required |
facility_id | String identifier representing the uuid of the user’s facility | true |
role | String identifier representing the user role - must be configured as an offline role. Accepts valid UTF-8 JSON array for multiple of roles. | true |
contact_id | String identifier representing the uuid of the user’s associated contact | false |
When requested as an online user, the number of tasks are never counted and never returned, so warn_docs
is always equal to total_docs
GET /api/v1/users-info?facility_id={{facility_uuid}}&role={{role}}&contact_id={{contact_uuid}} -H 'Cookie: AuthSession=OFFLINE_USER_SESSION;'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"total_docs": 10265,
"warn_docs": 10265,
"warn": true,
"limit: 10000
In case any of the required query parameters are omitted or the requested role is not configured as an offline role, the request will result in an error:
GET /api/v1/users-info?role={{online_role}} -H 'Cookie: AuthSession=OFFLINE_USER_SESSION;'
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
"code": 400,
"error": "Missing required query params: role and/or facility_id"
Bulk Operations
POST /api/v1/bulk-delete
Bulk delete endpoint for deleting large numbers of documents. Docs will be batched into groups of 100 and will be sent sequentially to couch (new batch sent after the previous one has returned). The response will be chunked JSON (one batch at a time), so if you wish to get an indication of progress you will need to parse incomplete JSON (with a library such as partial-json-parser
Only available to online users.
Parameter | Description |
docs | Array of JSON objects with _id properties |
An array of objects each with an _id
property is required (rather than an array of strings representing ids) to ensure forwards compatibility if we choose to require that any additional document information (such as _rev
) also be passed in to this endpoint.
If an error is encountered part-way through the response (eg on the third batch), it’s impossible to send new headers to indicate a 5xx error, so the connection will simply be terminated (as recommended here https://github.com/expressjs/express/issues/2700).
POST /api/v1/bulk-delete
Content-Type: application/json
"docs": [
{ "_id": "id1" },
{ "_id": "id2" },
{ "_id": "id150" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
{ "ok": true, "id": "id1", "rev": "1-rev1" },
{ "ok": true, "id": "id2", "rev": "1-rev2" },
{ "ok": true, "id": "id100", "rev": "1-rev100" }
{ "ok": true, "id": "id101", "rev": "1-rev101" },
{ "ok": true, "id": "id102", "rev": "1-rev102" },
{ "ok": true, "id": "id150", "rev": "1-rev150" }
See the Monitoring and alerting on the CHT page for how to use this API in production.
GET /api/v1/monitoring
DEPRECATED: use /api/v2/monitoring
Used to retrieve a range of metrics about the instance. While the output is human-readable this is intended for automated monitoring allowing for tracking trends over time and alerting about potential issues.
No permissions required.
JSON format
curl http://localhost:5988/api/v1/monitoring
Response content
JSON path | Type | Description |
version.app | String | The version of the webapp. |
version.node | String | The version of NodeJS. |
version.couchdb | String | The version of CouchDB. |
couchdb.<dbname>.name | String | The name of the db, usually one of “medic”, “medic-sentinel”, “medic-users-meta”, “_users”. |
couchdb.<dbname>.update_sequence | Number | The number of changes in the db. |
couchdb.<dbname>.doc_count | Number | The number of docs in the db. |
couchdb.<dbname>.doc_del_count | Number | The number of deleted docs in the db. |
couchdb.<dbname>.fragmentation | Number | The fragmentation of the entire db (including view indexes) as stored on disk. A lower value is better. 1 is no fragmentation. |
couchdb.<dbname>.sizes.active | Number | The size in bytes of live data inside the database. This includes documents, metadata, and attachments, but does not include view indexes. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
couchdb.<dbname>.sizes.file | Number | The size in bytes of the database file on disk. This includes documents, metadata, and attachments, but does not include view indexes. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
couchdb.<dbname>.view_indexes[*].name | String | The name of the view index (the design). See the table below for which view indexes are tracked for each db. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
couchdb.<dbname>.view_indexes[*].sizes.active | Number | The size in bytes of live data inside the view. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
couchdb.<dbname>.view_indexes[*].sizes.file | Number | The size in bytes of the view as stored on disk. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
date.current | Number | The current server date in millis since the epoch, useful for ensuring the server time is correct. |
date.uptime | Number | How long API has been running in seconds. |
sentinel.backlog | Number | Number of changes yet to be processed by Sentinel. |
messaging.outgoing.state.due | Number | The number of messages due to be sent. |
messaging.outgoing.state.scheduled | Number | The number of messages scheduled to be sent in the future. |
messaging.outgoing.state.muted | Number | The number of messages that are muted and therefore will not be sent. |
messaging.outgoing.state.delivered | Number | The number of messages that have been delivered or sent. As of 3.12.x. |
messaging.outgoing.state.failed | Number | The number of messages have failed to be delivered. As of 3.12.x |
outbound_push.backlog | Number | Number of changes yet to be processed by Outbound Push. |
feedback.count | Number | Number of feedback docs created usually indicative of client side errors. |
conflict.count | Number | Number of doc conflicts which need to be resolved manually. |
replication_limit.count | Number | Number of users that exceeded the replication limit of documents. |
connected_users.count | Number | Number of users that have connected to the api in a given number of days. The period defaults to 7 days but this can be changed by adding connected_user_interval as a query parameter e.g. http://localhost:5988/api/v1/monitoring?connected_user_interval=14 |
- A metric of
(for string values) or-1
(for numeric values) indicates an error occurred while querying the metric - check the API logs for details. - If no response or an error response is received the instance is unreachable. Thus, this API can be used as an uptime monitoring endpoint.
GET /api/v2/monitoring
Available as of 3.12.x. Used to retrieve a range of metrics about the instance. While the output is human-readable this is intended for automated monitoring allowing for tracking trends over time and alerting about potential issues.
No permissions required.
JSON format
curl http://localhost:5988/api/v2/monitoring
Response content
JSON path | Type | Description |
version.app | String | The version of the webapp. |
version.node | String | The version of NodeJS. |
version.couchdb | String | The version of CouchDB. |
couchdb.<dbname>.name | String | The name of the db, usually one of “medic”, “medic-sentinel”, “medic-users-meta”, “_users”. |
couchdb.<dbname>.update_sequence | Number | The number of changes in the db. |
couchdb.<dbname>.doc_count | Number | The number of docs in the db. |
couchdb.<dbname>.doc_del_count | Number | The number of deleted docs in the db. |
couchdb.<dbname>.fragmentation | Number | The fragmentation of the entire db (including view indexes) as stored on disk. A lower value is better. 1 is no fragmentation. |
couchdb.<dbname>.sizes.active | Number | The size in bytes of live data inside the database. This includes documents, metadata, and attachments, but does not include view indexes. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
couchdb.<dbname>.sizes.file | Number | The size in bytes of the database file on disk. This includes documents, metadata, and attachments, but does not include view indexes. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
couchdb.<dbname>.view_indexes[*].name | String | The name of the view index (the design). See the table below for which view indexes are tracked for each db. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
couchdb.<dbname>.view_indexes[*].sizes.active | Number | The size in bytes of live data inside the view. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
couchdb.<dbname>.view_indexes[*].sizes.file | Number | The size in bytes of the view as stored on disk. Requires CHT Core 4.11.0 or later. |
date.current | Number | The current server date in millis since the epoch, useful for ensuring the server time is correct. |
date.uptime | Number | How long API has been running. |
sentinel.backlog | Number | Number of changes yet to be processed by Sentinel. |
messaging.outgoing.total.due | Number | The number of messages due to be sent. |
messaging.outgoing.total.scheduled | Number | The number of messages scheduled to be sent in the future. |
messaging.outgoing.total.muted | Number | The number of messages that are muted and therefore will not be sent. |
messaging.outgoing.total.delivered | Number | The number of messages that have been delivered or sent. |
messaging.outgoing.total.failed | Number | The number of messages have failed to be delivered. |
messaging.outgoing.seven_days.due | Number | The number of messages due to be sent in the last seven days. |
messaging.outgoing.seven_days.scheduled | Number | The number of messages that were scheduled to be sent in the last seven days. |
messaging.outgoing.seven_days.muted | Number | The number of messages that were due in the last seven days and are muted. |
messaging.outgoing.seven_days.delivered | Number | The number of messages that were due in the last seven days and have been delivered or sent. |
messaging.outgoing.seven_days.failed | Number | The number of messages that were due in the last seven days and have failed to be delivered. |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.pending | Object | Counts within last 100 messages that have received status updates, and are one of the “pending” group statuses |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.pending.pending | Number | Number of messages that are pending |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.pending.forwarded-to-gateway | Number | Number of messages that are forwarded-to-gateway |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.pending.received-by-gateway | Number | Number of messages that are received-by-gateway |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.pending.forwarded-by-gateway | Number | Number of messages that are forwarded-by-gateway |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.final | Object | Counts within last 100 messages that have received status updates, and are in one of the “final” group statuses |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.final.sent | Number | Number of messages that are sent |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.final.delivered | Number | Number of messages that are delivered |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.final.failed | Number | Number of messages that are failed |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.muted | Object | Counts within last 100 messages that have received status updates, and are in one of the “muted” group statuses |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.final.denied | Number | Number of messages that are denied |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.final.cleared | Number | Number of messages that are cleared |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.final.muted | Number | Number of messages that are muted |
messaging.outgoing.last_hundred.final.duplicate | Number | Number of messages that are duplicate |
outbound_push.backlog | Number | Number of changes yet to be processed by Outbound Push. |
feedback.count | Number | Number of feedback docs created usually indicative of client side errors. |
conflict.count | Number | Number of doc conflicts which need to be resolved manually. |
replication_limit.count | Number | Number of users that exceeded the replication limit of documents. |
connected_users.count | Number | Number of users that have connected to the api in a given number of days. The period defaults to 7 days but this can be changed by adding connected_user_interval as a query parameter e.g. http://localhost:5988/api/v2/monitoring?connected_user_interval=14 |
- A metric of
(for string values) or-1
(for numeric values) indicates an error occurred while querying the metric - check the API logs for details. - If no response or an error response is received the instance is unreachable. Thus, this API can be used as an uptime monitoring endpoint.
Supported view indexes
Requires CHT Core 4.11.0
or later.
GET /api/v1/express-metrics
Added in 4.3.0
Used to retrieve a range of metrics for monitoring CHT API’s performance and internals. This API is used by CHT Watchdog.
The response is formatted for the Prometheus Data Model. The metrics exposed are defined by the prometheus-api-metrics package and include optional default metrics and garbage collection metrics.
No permissions required.
All of these endpoints require the can_configure
All of these endpoints are asynchronous. Progress can be followed by watching the horti-upgrade
document and looking at the log
POST /api/v1/upgrade
Performs a complete upgrade to the provided version. This is equivalent of calling /api/v1/upgrade/stage
and then /api/v1/upgrade/complete
once staging has finished.
POST /api/v1/upgrade
"build": {
"namespace": "medic",
"application": "medic",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.1"
For potential forwards compatibility, you must pass the namespace
and application
as medic
The version
should correspond to a release, pre-release or branch that has been pushed to our builds server, which is currently hard-coded to https://staging.dev.medicmobile.org/builds
. This happens automatically upon a successful Continuous Integration run.
Calling this endpoint will eventually cause api and sentinel to restart.
It is expected that the caller ensures forwards or backwards compatibility is maintained between deployed versions. This endpoint does not stop you from “upgrading” to an earlier version, or a branch that is incompatible with your current state.
POST /api/v1/upgrade/stage
Stages an upgrade to the provided version. Does as much of the upgrade as possible without actually swapping versions over and restarting.
Parameters are the same as /api/v1/upgrade
You know that an upgrade has been staged when the horti-upgrade
document in CouchDB has "action": "stage"
and "staging_complete": true
POST /api/v1/upgrade/complete
Completes a staged upgrade. Throws a 404
if there is no upgrade in the staged position.
Accepts a JSON array of document uuids and returns fully hydrated documents, in the same order in which they were requested. When documents are not found, an entry with the missing uuid and an error is added instead. Supports both GET and POST. Only allowed for users with “online” roles.
GET /api/v1/hydrate
Query parameters
Name | Required | Description |
doc_ids | true | A JSON array of document uuids |
GET /api/v1/hydrate?doc_ids=["id1","missingId","id3"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
{ "id": "id1", "doc": { <...the hydrated document...> } },
{ "id": "missingId1", "error": "not_found" },
{ "id": "id3", "doc": { <...the hydrated document...> } },
POST /api/v1/hydrate
Name | Required | Description |
doc_ids | true | A JSON array of document uuids |
POST /api/v1/hydrate
Content-Type: application/json
"doc_ids": ["id1","missingId","id3"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
{ "id": "id1", "doc": { <...the hydrated document...> } },
{ "id": "missingId", "error": "not_found" },
{ "id": "id3", "doc": { <...the hydrated document...> } },
Contacts by phone
Added in 3.10.0
Accepts a phone number parameter and returns fully hydrated contacts that match the requested phone number. If multiple contacts are found, all are returned. When no matches are found, a 404 error is returned. Supports both GET and POST. Only allowed for users with “online” roles.
GET /api/v1/contacts-by-phone
Query parameters
Name | Required | Description |
phone | true | A URL encoded string representing a phone number |
GET /api/v1/contacts-by-phone?phone="%2B40-(744)-999-999"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"docs": {
{ <... first hydrated matching contact found ...> },
{ <... second hydrated matching contact found ...> },
POST /api/v1/contacts-by-phone
Name | Required | Description |
phone | true | A string representing a phone number |
POST /api/v1/contacts-by-phone
Content-Type: application/json
"phone": "+40 (21) 222-3333"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"docs": {
{ <... first hydrated matching contact found ...> },
{ <... second hydrated matching contact found ...> },
Replication Limit
Added in 3.11.0
Returns the quantity of documents that were replicated by each user. Accepts filtering by user name, when not provided, it returns all users. Supports GET. Only allowed for users with “_admin” role.
GET /api/v1/users-doc-count
Query parameters
Name | Required | Description |
user | false | User’s name |
GET /api/v1/users-doc-count?user=mary"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 10000,
"users": {
"_id": "replication-count-mary",
"_rev": "5-cd3252e852ae075da216c3c3fe461291",
"user": "mary",
"date": 1595328973273,
"count": 58
Securely store credentials for authentication with third party systems such as SMS aggregators and HMIS. Certain CHT services rely on these credentials when enabled.
PUT /api/v1/credentials
Added in 4.0.0
Provide the credential key as a URL parameter and the password in the request body, for example, to set a credential with key “mykey” and password “my pass” use the following command.
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: text/plain" https://<user>:<pass>@<domain>/api/v1/credentials/mykey -d 'my pass'
3.x API
For 3.x deployments credentials are stored in CouchDB configuration in a custom medic-credentials
To add the credential to the admin config you need to PUT the value using curl, for example, to set a credential with key “mykey” and password “my pass” use the following command.
curl -X PUT https://<user>:<pass>@<domain>/_node/_local/_config/medic-credentials/mykey -d '"my pass"'
You can also add it via Fauxton:
- Navigate to the Config screen at
- Click
Add Option
- The
should bemedic-credentials
, theName
should be (in this example)mykey
and the value should be the password - Click
- You should then be able to see your credential in the list of configuration shown
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