OpenHIM Mediators

Guide to running OpenHIM and Mediators with Docker Compose


The components and reference information for interoperability used in CHT Interoperability project are:

  • OpenHIE defines the architecture for an interoperability layer.
  • OpenHIM is a middleware component designed to ease interoperability between systems.
  • HL7 FHIR is a messaging format to allow all systems to understand the format of the message.

Interoperability with the CHT

The structure of documents in the CHT database reflects the configuration of the system, and therefore, does not map directly to a FHIR message format. To achieve interoperability, the CHT uses a middleware to convert the CHT data structure into a standardized form so the other systems can read it. Below is the standard data workflow:

graph LR

cht -- Outbound pushfa:fa-arrow-right --- mediator_a
cht -- API requestfa:fa-arrow-left --- mediator_b
mediator_a -- Requestfa:fa-arrow-right --- openhim
mediator_b -- Channelfa:fa-arrow-left --- openhim

CHT Interoperability uses OpenHIM as the middleware component with Mediators to do the conversion. Outbound Push is configured to make a request to the middleware when relevant documents are created or modified in the CHT. A Mediator then creates a FHIR resource which is then routed to OpenHIM. OpenHIM routes the resource to any other configured systems.

Conversely, to bring data into the CHT, OpenHIM is configured to route the updated resource to the Mediator, which then calls the relevant CHT APIs to update the document in the CHT database. This will then be replicated to users’ devices as per usual.

See more information on the CHT interoperability page.


  • docker
  • Postman or similar tool for API testing.
  • cht-interoperability GitHub repository (can be cloned via git clone

Install & First Time Run

In the cht-interoperability folder, run ./ init to start up the docker containers on the first run or after calling ./ destroy. Use ./ up for subsequent runs after calling init without calling destroy.

OpenHIM Admin Console

  1. Visit the OpenHIM Admin Console at http://localhost:9000 and login with the following credentials: email - and password - interop-password. The default User username for OpenHIM is and password is interop-password. The default Client username is interop-client and password is interop-password.

  2. Once logged in, visit http://localhost:9000/#!/mediators and select the mediator named ‘CHT Mediator’.

  3. Select the green + button to the right of the default channel to add the mediator.

  4. You can test the CHT mediator by running:

curl -X GET http://localhost:5001/mediator -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n interop-client:interop-password | base64)"

You should get as a response similar to this:

    "status": "success",
    "osuptime": 74012.24,
    "processuptime": 56940.700039383

If everything is successful, when visiting http://localhost:9000/#!/clients you should see this:

For testing other mediators, replace the URL (http://localhost:5001/mediator) with the appropriate values for the specific mediator you are testing. For example if using the OpenMRS mediator, you can test it by running:

curl -X GET localhost:5001/mediator/openmrs/sync -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n interop-client:interop-password | base64)"

CHT configuration with Docker

The following steps apply when running CHT via the Docker setup provided in the cht-interoperability repository:

  1. CHT can be accessed via http://localhost:5988, and the credentials are admin/password.
  2. Create a new user in the CHT instance with the username interop-client using these instructions. For the role you can select Data entry and Analytics roles. Please note that you can use any username you prefer but you would have to update the config with the new username. You can do that by editing the cht-config/app_settings.json file and updating the username value in the outbound object e.g. on this line.
  3. Securely save the interop-client user’s password to the database using the instructions here. Change the values mykey and my pass to openhim1 and your user’s password respectively. An example of the curl request is below:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: text/plain" http://admin:password@localhost:5988/api/v1/credentials/openhim1 -d 'interop-password'

Local setup of CHT Configuration

The following steps apply when running CHT locally in development mode and when making configuration changes locally:

CHT Development Environment

  1. Set up a local CHT instance using these instructions.
  2. Create a new user in the CHT instance with the username interop-client using these instructions. For the role you can select Data entry and Analytics roles. Please note that you can use any username you prefer but you would have to update the config with the new username. You can do that by editing the cht-config/app_settings.json file and updating the username value in the outbound object e.g. on this line.
  3. Securely save the interop-client user’s password to the database using the instructions here. Change the values mykey and my pass to openhim1 and your user’s password respectively. An example of the curls request is below:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: text/plain" http://medic:password@localhost:5988/api/v1/credentials/openhim1 -d 'interop-password'
  1. After updating the mediator code or the CHT configuration, you need to run ./ up-dev to upload the changes to docker compose.

CHT Configuration

  1. Go into the cht-config directory by running cd cht-config.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  3. Create a file named .env under /mediator folder, copy over the contents of /mediator/.env.template and update the CHT_USERNAME and CHT_PASSWORD values with the admin credentials of your CHT instance.
  4. Set up a proxy to your local CHT instance by running using something like nginx-local-ip or ngrok and update the CHT_URL value in the .env file with the new URL.
  5. Ensure you have cht-conf installed and run cht --local to compile and upload the app settings configuration to your local CHT instance.
  6. To verify if the configuration is loaded correctly is to create a Patient and to access a URL like https://***** This should retrieve correctly the follow up form.
  7. To verify if the configuration in CouchDB, access http://localhost:5984/_utils/#database/medic/settings.

Shutdown the servers

  • To shut-down the containers run ./ down to stop the instances.
  • To then restart the containers, run ./ up. You do not need to run init again like you did in the initial install above.
  • To shut-down and delete everything, run ./ destroy. You will have to subsequently run ./ init if you wish to start the containers.


Error “bind: address already in use”

Users encountering:

Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port TCP -> listen tcp bind: address already in use

when running ./ init need to update ports to available values in the /docker/docker-compose.yml file, under the ports verb.

Error when running mediator curl request

If the mediator curl request fails, visit http://localhost:9000/#!/clients and click on the icon the red arrow points to in the image below.

Error “Preset ts-jest is invalid:” when running npm test

Users encountering the error below when running npm test:

Preset ts-jest is invalid: The “id” argument must be of type string. Received null TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The “id” argument must be of type string. Received null

need to run npm i --save-dev ts-jest before running npm test.

Error “unsuccessful npm install” when running npm install

Users encountering the error when running npm install:

npm ERR! code EACCES npm ERR! syscall unlink npm ERR! path /Users/phil/interoperability/cht-config/node_modules/.package-lock.json

need to run npm install as root user.

Building > Interoperability > Configuring

Guide to setting up forms and outbound push for interoperability

Building > Interoperability > Loss To Follow-Up

Guide to testing the Loss to Follow-Up (LTFU) reference workflow

Building > Integrations > OpenMRS

Exchange patient-level data with systems based on the OpenMRS platform