Feature Flags

How to roll out features to select users

Some CHT Core features can be enabled for specific users only. This can be particularly helpful for features that require training. The updated or “new” version will generally be the system default, but users can be configured to see the “old” version. If you do nothing when you upgrade, users will automatically start seeing the new version.


If the specific CHT Core feature supports feature flagging, users can be configured to see the “old” version by means of a permission. The permission can be added to existing Roles, or for more granular control and rolling out by cohorts, you can create a new Role with the one permission and add that Role to desired users. The permission will not be included in app_settings automatically so if you want it to be selectable from the Admin app user interface, you will need to add it to app_settings.

Roll-out Scenarios

The table below illustrates some potential rollout scenarios and recommended Actions.

[Default] All users see the “new” version once you upgradeNone, just upgrade.
All users see the “old” version once you upgrade. All users see the “new” version at the same time in the future.Add the permission to all Roles before you upgrade. When you are ready to transition everyone to the the new version, just remove the permission form all Roles.
All users see the “old” version once you upgrade. Roll out the “new” version in cohorts over time.Create a new Role with the one permission and add that role to all users. When you are ready to transition a cohort of users, remove the Role from that cohort.
Some cohorts see the “old” version/some see the “new” version once you upgrade. All cohorts seeing the “old” version start seeing the “new” version at the same time.Create a new Role with the one permission and add it to selected users. When you are ready to transition all cohorts to the “new” version, remove the Role from all users.
Some cohorts see the “old” version/some see the “new” version once you upgrade. Roll out the “new” version to applicable cohorts over time.Create a new Role with the one permission and add it to selected users. When you are ready to transition a cohort of users, remove the Role from those users.

Building > Concepts > Users

Defining the user roles and their permissions

Building > Reference > app_settings.json > .permissions

User Permissions: Assigning fine grained settings for user roles

Building > Reference > app_settings.json > .roles

User Roles: Defining the roles that can be assigned to users.