Understanding the parameters in the Task Schema

Understanding the data which is passed into Task interfaces

This guide explains the parameters available in the Task Schema and important constraints governing the design of tasks.

  • Useful knowledge if you are stuck writing your first appliesIf predicate
  • Understanding the data which is available in the task system and important constraints
  • Understand the special significance of the appliesTo attribute

Let’s synthesize some knowledge about CHT applications to help clarify what is happening within the task system:

  1. All contacts in CHT applications are organised into hierarchies. For more information, read the Contact and User Management Tutorial or schema for contact documents.

  2. All reports in the system are linked to one (and only one) contact. For more information, read App Forms Tutorial or the schema for report documents.

  3. Documents are stored minified (not hydrated). All data that is passed into the tasks system is minified.

  4. Settings which control the documents which are available on the user’s device are an important considerations to remember (eg replication depth or purging) since both tasks can only process docs which are present on the device.

An important constraint of the tasks system

Every contact and every report on the user’s device is processed by tasks. That said, it is important to remember that this processing is scoped to happen one contact at a time. The code in tasks.js knows about one contact, but it is not possible to simultaneously know about that contact’s siblings, descendents, ancestors, etc.

With this constraint in mind, we can infer that tasks cannot know the answer to questions like:

  • Is the sibling of this patient ill?
  • Does this family have active patients?
  • Are there cases of tuberculosis in a neighbouring household?

The special significance of the appliesTo attribute

The task.js schema includes the noteworthy attribute appliesTo which has two options: contacts and reports. This attribute is important! It changes the algorithm used to process the task, and the meaning of other attributes in the schema.

The below algorithmic pseudocode explains the relationship between appliesTo and the attributes appliesIf and appliesToType:

appliesTo: ‘contacts’

algorithm appliesTo is 'contacts'
  for contact of contacts:
    if contact.type is in task.appliesToType:
      if task.appliesIf(contact):
        create task events 
  • appliesToType filters based on the contact document’s contact_type value
  • appliesIf predicate is called once per contact (even if that contact has no reports)
  • appliesIf(c) is passed information about the contact (c.contact), and an array of all the contact’s reports (c.reports)
  • events[].dueDate defaults to the contact’s creation date
  • Results in up to one task schedule per contact

appliesTo: ‘reports’

algorithm appliesTo is 'reports'
  for contact of contacts:
    for report of contact.reports:
      if report.form is in task.appliesToType:
        if task.appliesIf(contact, report):
          create task events
  • appliesToType filters based on the report document’s form value
  • appliesIf predicate is called once per report
  • appliesIf(c, report) is passed information about the contact (c.contact), an array of all the contact’s reports (c.reports), and the current report being iterated on report
  • events[].dueDate defaults to the report’s creation date
  • Can result in multiple, potentially overlapping task schedules per contact

Building > Reference > tasks.js

Tasks: Definition of tasks shown to app users

Building > Quick Guides > Data > Document hydration

Overview of database document hydration

CHT Core Framework > Overview > Database Schema : Contacts Persons and Places

Schema for database objects

CHT Core Framework > Overview > Database Schema : Reports

Schema for database objects

Building > Tutorials > Tasks

Writing and testing a simple task