User telemetry

Performance data of certain user actions

Introduced in v3.4.0

The app collects performance data on certain user actions which is then aggregated each day and replicated to the server. This can be used to evaluate the performance of the code and configuration and to evaluate where improvements can be made.

The aggregate doc for the previous day is created when the first telemetry item is recorded each day. This is stored in the medic-user-<username>-meta database on the device and replicated to the server when an internet connection is available. This user specific server db is then replicated into the medic-users-meta database which holds all aggregate telemetry docs for all users.

The aggregate docs’ IDs follow the pattern telemetry-<year>-<month>-<day>-<username>-<uuid>.

Performance data

Each aggregate data point has the following fields:

sumA sum of all the recorded times in milliseconds.
minThe smallest time recorded in milliseconds.
maxThe largest time recorded in milliseconds.
countThe number of times recorded.
sumsqrThe sum of squares of the times recorded in milliseconds. This is useful to see the variance, for example, a lower sumsqr can be indicative of having data closer together.

The CHT records the Apdex (Application Performance Index) that is an open standard for measuring performance of software applications. Its purpose is to convert measurements into insights about user satisfaction, by specifying a uniform way to analyze and report on the degree to which measured performance meets user expectations.

The Apdex level is satisfied when the duration is less than or equal to 3s; tolerable when the duration is more than 3s but less than or equal to 12s; frustrated when duration is more than 12s. The Apdex is recorded as a telemetry entry using the format: <telemetry_field>:apdex:<satisfied/tolerable/frustrated>, for example, if the telemetry is about boot time and it had a tolerable performance, the Apdex is recorded as boot_time:apdex:tolerable.

Find below the list of telemetry data recorded by CHT:

boot_timeThe overall boot time including loading the code, purging, and accessing the database.Yes. Added in 4.7
boot_time:1:to_first_code_executionThe time between the page loading and the JavaScript starting to run.
boot_time:2:to_bootstrapThe time between JavaScript starting and the bootstrapping (purging, initial replication, etc) to complete.
boot_time:2_1:to_replicationThe time it takes to complete initial replication. If initial replication was interrupted and retried, this value will be incorrect. Added in 3.14.
boot_time:2_2:to_purgeThe time it takes to complete the purge. Added in 3.14 and removed in 4.3.
boot_time:2_3:to_purge_metaThe time it takes to complete the purge of local meta database. Added in 3.14.
boot_time:3:to_angular_bootstrapThe time between bootstrapping completing and the webapp being ready to use.
boot_time:4:to_db_warmedThe time between the webapp being ready to use and the database being ready to use. Added in 3.6 and removed in 3.8.
boot_time:purging:<boolean>boot_time:purging:true when purging ran successfully on device startup, boot_time:purging:false when purging did not run. Added in 3.14 and removed in 4.3.
boot_time:purging_failedThe purging failed when running on device startup. Added in 3.14 and removed in 4.3.
boot_time:purging_meta:<boolean>boot_time:purging_meta:true when purging of the local meta database ran successfully, boot_time:purging_meta:false when it did not run. Added in 3.14.
boot_time:purging_meta_failedThe purging of the local meta database failed. Added in 3.14.
contact_list:loadThe time taken to load the list of contacts on the left hand side of the Contacts tab. Added in 4.7.Yes. Added in 4.7
contact_list:queryThe time taken to query the People tab on initial load, when searching or sorting, this metric covers from fetching the data to preparing the data before display. Added in 4.7.Yes. Added in 4.7
enketo:reports:<form>:<action>:<component>The time taken to fill in app forms that are opened from Reports Tab. The action can either be “add” or “edit”. The component is one of: “render” covers getting the form and rendering it on screen; “user_edit_time” is the time the user took to fill in and submit the form; or “save” is about converting the form into a report and saving it.Yes, added for render and save actions. Added in 4.7
enketo:contacts:<form>:<action>:<component>The time taken to fill contact forms and app forms that are opened from People Tab. The action can either be “add” or “edit”. The component is one of: “render” covers getting the form and rendering it on screen; “user_edit_time” is the time the user took to fill in and submit the form; or “save” is about converting the form into a report and saving it.Yes, added for render and save actions. Added in 4.7
enketo:tasks:<form>:<action>:<component>As above but for forms on the Tasks tab.Yes, added for render and save actions. Added in 4.7
message_list:loadThe time taken to load the list of messages on the left hand side of the Messages tab. Added in 4.7.Yes. Added in 4.7
search:contactsThe time taken to list all contacts.
search:contacts:<filter[:filter]>The time taken to search all contacts using the given filters.
search:reportsThe time taken to list all reports.
search:reports:<filter[:filter]>The time taken to search all reports using the given filters.
contact_detail:<contact_type>:loadOn the People tab, the time taken to load a contact, from the time the contact was selected to the time all content for that contact (contact summary, condition cards, reports, tasks, etc…) has fully loaded on the screen. Added in 4.7.Yes. Added in 4.7
contact_detail:<_form>:load:contact_dataThe time taken to load a contact’s data. Added in 4.7.
contact_detail:<_form>:load:load_descendantsThe time taken to load a contact’s descendants, that is places and contacts under the contact hierarchy level. Added in 4.7.
contact_detail:<_form>:load:load_reportsThe time taken to load a contact’s associated reports. Added in 4.7.
contact_detail:<_form>:load:load_targetsThe time taken to load a contact’s targets. Added in 4.7.
contact_detail:<_form>:load:load_tasksThe time taken to load a contact’s tasks. Added in 4.7.
contact_detail:<_form>:load:load_contact_summaryThe time taken to load a contact’s contact-summary. Added in 4.7.
report_detail:<form>:loadOn the Reports tab, the time taken to load a report from the point it was selected on the left hand side to the time it was fully rendered. Added in 4.7.Yes. Added in 4.7
messages_detail:loadOn the Messages tab, the time taken to load the messages detail on the right hand side once has been selected from the list on the left hand side. Added in 4.7.Yes. Added in 4.7
sidebar_filter:reports:openNumber of times the user opens the sidebar filter in Reports tab.
sidebar_filter:analytics:target_aggregates:openNumber of times the user opens the sidebar filter in Aggregate Targets tab.
client-date-offsetThe difference between the client datetime and the server datetime. Only recorded if the difference is large enough that it may cause issues.
analytics:targets:loadThe time taken to load the targets page. Added in 3.9Yes. Added in 4.7
analytics:target_aggregates:loadThe time taken to load the target aggregates. Added in 4.7.Yes. Added in 4.7
tasks:loadThe time taken to load the tasks page. Added in 3.9Yes. Added in 4.7
tasks:refreshThe time taken to refresh tasks on the tasks page. Added in 3.9Yes. Added in 4.7
report_list:loadOn the Reports tab, the time taken to load the list of reports on the left hand side. Added in 4.7.Yes. Added in 4.7
report_list:queryThe time taken to query the Reports tab on initial load, when searching or filtering, this metric covers from fetching the data to preparing the data before display. Added in 4.7.Yes. Added in 4.7
rules-engine:initializeThe time taken to initialize the rules-engine . Added in 3.9
rules-engine:update-emissionsRemoved in 4.13. The time taken to update emissions in the rules-engine, when receiving a change. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:refreshThe time taken to refresh tasks and targets in the rules-engine, when receiving a change. Added in 4.14
rules-engine:refresh:dirty-contactsNumber of “dirty” contacts[1] when refreshing targets and tasks in the rules-engine. Added in 4.14
rules-engine:tasks:all-contactsThe time taken to fetch tasks for all contacts in rules-engine. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:tasks:some-contactsThe time taken to fetch tasks for some specific contacts in rules-engine. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:tasks:dirty-contactsNumber of “dirty” contacts[1] when fetching tasks in the rules-engine. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:targetsTime taken for the rules-engine to fetch targets. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:targets:dirty-contactsNumber of “dirty” contacts[1] when fetching targets in the rules-engine. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:tasks:dirty-contactsNumber of “dirty” contacts[1] when fetching tasks in the rules-engine. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:ensureTaskFreshness:cancelRemoved in 4.13. The time taken to cancel the automated task freshness thread in the rules-engine. This event is only recorded when the thread is cancelled before executing the refresh. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:ensureTargetFreshness:cancelRemoved in 4.13. The time taken to cancel the automated target freshness thread in the rules-engine. This event is only recorded when the thread is cancelled before executing the refresh. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:background-refreshThe time taken automatically recalculate tasks and targets in the rules-engine when starting the app. Added in 4.14.
rules-engine:background-refresh:dirty-contactsNumber of “dirty” contacts[1] when automatcally refreshing tasks and targets in the rules-engine.. Added in 4.14.
rules-engine:background-refresh:cancelThe time taken to cancel the automated task and target recalculation thread in the rules-engine. This event is only recorded when the thread is cancelled before executing the refresh. Added in 4.14.
rules-engine:tasks-breakdown:some-contactsThe time taken to fetch the tasks breakdown by status for some contacts. Added in 3.13.
rules-engine:tasks-breakdown:all-contactsThe time taken to fetch the tasks breakdown by status for all contacts. Added in 3.13.
replication:user-initiatedNumber of times the user clicked “Sync now”. Added in 3.12.
replication:<database>:<direction>:successTime taken to replicate, when replication was successful. Added in 3.12.
replication:<database>:<direction>:failureTime taken to replicate, when replication failed. Added in 3.12.
replication:<database>:<direction>:failure:reason:offline:clientNumber of times replication failed because of connection errors, and the app detects the client is offline. Added in 3.12.
replication:<database>:<direction>:failure:reason:offline:serverNumber of times replication failed because of connection errors, and the app detects the client is online. Added in 3.12.
replication:<database>:<direction>:failure:reason:errorNumber of times replication failed because of errors other than connection errors. Added in 3.12.
replication:<database>:<direction>:docsNumber of replicated docs. For medic replication, stores number of “read” docs, for meta replication, stores sum of read docs for every direction. Added in 3.12.
replication:medic:<direction>:ms-since-last-replicated-dateTime between a replication attempt and the last successful replication. Only recorded for medic database, every time replication is attempted. Added in 3.12.
replication:medic:<direction>:deniedNumber of times replication was denied[2]. Added in 3.12.
tasks:group:all-tasksTotal number of tasks for the household (includes all statuses), when displaying household tasks page. Added in 3.13.
tasks:group:cancelledNumber of cancelled tasks for the household, when displaying household tasks page. Added in 3.13.
tasks:group:readyNumber of tasks in “Ready” state for the household, when displaying household tasks page. Added in 3.13.
tasks:group:ready:<task_title>Breakdown of “Ready” tasks by task_title for the household, when displaying household tasks page. Added in 3.13.
tasks:group:modal:confirmNumber times the user confirms navigation away from the household tasks page. Added in 3.13.
tasks:group:modal:rejectNumber times the user rejects navigation away from the household tasks page. Added in 3.13.
user_settings:language:<language_code>The selected language by the user, example: user_settings:language:en. Added in 3.14.
enketo:<training-card>:add:renderThe time it took to render the training card. Added in 4.2.0Yes. Added in 4.15.0
enketo:<training-card>:add:user_edit_timeThe time the user took to complete the training card. Added in 4.2.0
enketo:<training-card>:add:saveThe time it took to save the training card. Added in 4.2.0
enketo:<training-card>:add:quitThe time from when the training card was rendered to when the user quits the training. Added in 4.2.0
geolocation:successA successful GPS response with the value showing the accuracy.
geolocation:failure:<x>An unsuccessful GPS response. x is a constant matching the GeolocationPositionError or with one of the following values: -1 unknown failure, -2 timeout, or -3 geolocation services unavailable.
training_materials_list:loadOn the Training Materials page, the time taken to load the list of trainings on the left hand side. Added in 4.15.0.Yes. Added in 4.15.0

[1] “Dirty” indicates that the contact’s task documents are not up to date. They will be refreshed before being used.
[2] Replication can be denied when the user doesn’t have permissions to create a doc (hierarchy permissions) or when a doc fails a validate_doc_update check.

Unless otherwise specified, database and direction placeholders stand for any combination of:

medicfrom or to


When the aggregate doc is created the Telemetry service also includes a snapshot of some metadata.

yearThe year the data was collected. Added in 3.4.0.
monthThe month the data was collected. Initially the month was 0 indexed (eg: 0=Jan, 1=Feb, …), but from 3.8.0 this bug was fixed so it changed to 1 indexed (eg: 1=Jan, 2=Feb, …). Added in 3.4.0.
dayThe day of the month the data was collected. Added in 3.12.0.
userThe username of the logged in user. Added in 3.4.0.
deviceIdA unique key for this device. Added in 3.4.0.
versions.appThe version of the webapp. Added in 3.5.0.
versions.forms.<form>The version of each form. Added in 3.5.0.
userAgentThe userAgent string from the user’s browser. Added in 3.4.0.
hardwareConcurrencyThe number of cores reported from the browser. Added in 3.4.0.
screen.widthThe width of the screen in pixels. Added in 3.4.0.
screen.heightThe height of the screen in pixels. Added in 3.4.0. version name of the Android app. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0. package name of the Android app. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.9.0+. Added in 3.12.0. Internal version code of the Android app. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.9.0+. Added in 3.12.0. version of Android OS. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0. API of the Android OS. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0. version of Android OS (detailed). Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0.
deviceInfo.hardware.deviceThe Android device name. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0.
deviceInfo.hardware.modelThe Android model name. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0.
deviceInfo.hardware.manufacturerThe Android device manufacturer. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0.
deviceInfo.hardware.hardwareThe Android device hardware. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0.
deviceInfo.hardware.cpuInfoThe Android device CPU information. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0. available storage on the device. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0. total storage on the device. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0.
deviceInfo.ram.freeThe available RAM on the device. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0.
deviceInfo.ram.totalThe total RAM on the device. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0.
deviceInfo.ram.thresholdThe level of RAM at which certain services will be killed by Android. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0. reported download speed of the network. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0. reported upload speed of the network. Only captured when running in the Android wrapper v0.4.0+. Added in 3.8.0.
dbInfo.doc_countThe number of docs in the local database. Added in 3.4.0.
dbInfo.update_seqThe update sequence of the local database. Added in 3.4.0.
dbInfo.idb_attachment_formatThe format of database attachments. Added in 3.4.0.
dbInfo.db_nameThe name of the local database. Added in 3.4.0.
dbInfo.auto_compactionWhether or not auto compaction is set. Added in 3.4.0.
dbInfo.adapterThe database adapter being used. Added in 3.4.0.

Export data to JSON

To export all telemetry in JSON for further analysis or visualization, first meet these prerequisites:

  1. Ensure that both node and npm are installed and that the needed node libraries are installed: npm install inquirer pouchdb-core fs path minimist pouchdb-adapter-http
  2. Get a current copy of the export script: curl -s -o get_users_meta_docs.js

To export the data open a terminal in the folder where you want to save the export, and run this command:

node get_users_meta_docs.js --mode batch --type telemetry https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@COUCHDB_SERVER:COUCHDB_PORT/medic-users-meta > telemetry.json

For example, if your username is admin, your password is pass, your CouchDB server is localhost and your CouchDB port is 5984, you would run:

node get_users_meta_docs.js --mode batch --type telemetry https://admin:pass@localhost:5984/medic-users-meta > telemetry.json

This will save a file named telemetry.json containing all the telemetry data in the current directory.

Code Samples

Logged in from the browser

  "_id": "telemetry-2020-5-medic-016304ab-7167-4c97-93bb-a6626ef6128d",
  "_rev": "1-90a94d76eb30ac47e2f498b80cf54cd1",
  "type": "telemetry",
  "metrics": {
    "boot_time": {
      "sum": 3879.43500012625,
      "min": 308.0550000304356,
      "max": 1110.6599999475293,
      "count": 7,
      "sumsqr": 2616858.529000253
    "boot_time:1:to_first_code_execution": {
      "sum": 2096.309999935329,
      "min": 141.66500000283122,
      "max": 558.6599999805912,
      "count": 8,
      "sumsqr": 672987.1618553334
    "boot_time:2:to_bootstrap": {
      "sum": 628.5150001058355,
      "min": 70.50499995239079,
      "max": 129.88000002223998,
      "count": 7,
      "sumsqr": 58704.48214660012
    "boot_time:3:to_angular_bootstrap": {
      "sum": 1415.5550000723451,
      "min": 45.25000008288771,
      "max": 787.9549999488518,
      "count": 7,
      "sumsqr": 732805.5498113176
    "search:contacts:types": {
      "sum": 3728.9899999741465,
      "min": 96.60000004805624,
      "max": 1134.1099999845028,
      "count": 8,
      "sumsqr": 2939824.639961114
    "search:reports:subjectIds": {
      "sum": 3825.224999745842,
      "min": 27.304999995976686,
      "max": 982.2900000144728,
      "count": 25,
      "sumsqr": 1461182.0137715642
  "metadata": {
    "year": 2020,
    "month": 5,
    "day": 20,
    "user": "medic",
    "deviceId": "016304ab-7167-4c97-93bb-a6626ef6128d",
    "versions": {
      "app": "master",
      "forms": {
        "client_review": "2-51ad4bd1c86c18ea768196da8264147e",
        "contact:clinic:create": "16-8dbb4dde6f8f9067e9cbed5b44ce5fd0",
        "contact:clinic:edit": "2-c1c955042db963a95470bdf891bcef6f",
        "contact:district_hospital:create": "2-42b8b579b38ca6c2978c238e7d9c78fe",
        "contact:district_hospital:edit": "2-4360bb0eb6f6ff863849a07adac7e851",
        "contact:health_center:create": "2-c9b86820479f211c8e505eba150c5203",
        "contact:health_center:edit": "2-19b3da5f9f146be07ec1854a372e374b",
        "contact:person:create": "2-230d39c41682da720b83e4909b138c9b",
        "contact:person:edit": "6-75781492122157beb7c2451861970ece",
        "death_report": "2-97cfa3cc24ee743dfea03c019d644bec",
        "delivery": "2-adf37c0da7d5e58c8e4d27fc940f70e6",
        "enroll": "10-13322d437e301f3c436e3b989a3fd384",
        "no_contact": "4-0901afd126ec6c87fe952ca3c3a652ed",
        "pnc_danger_sign_follow_up_baby": "2-12e8989f6774828bb10aa4b675bc43ff",
        "pnc_danger_sign_follow_up_mother": "2-62f58b6e0ade10d70f15df73ddb6a025",
        "pregnancy": "2-4fa3db96cae638c4cb041125c9970496",
        "pregnancy_danger_sign": "2-49758bfd894fb5db6e719bff864f9da9",
        "pregnancy_danger_sign_follow_up": "2-a9a2b6800d6f93e151a3a63359620976",
        "pregnancy_facility_visit_reminder": "2-0e3deaf22966166d05bcf803615499c8",
        "pregnancy_home_visit": "2-283eb323e61a7fc756bda61f9d9be382",
        "referral_for_care": "2-627c6c21bd54e482133acc8188a71f8d",
        "undo_death_report": "2-3a4ca8d678f0338d7044cb1bc35d103d"
  "device": {
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.106 Safari/537.36",
    "hardwareConcurrency": 4,
    "screen": {
      "width": 1920,
      "height": 1080
    "deviceInfo": {}
  "dbInfo": {
    "db_name": "medic",
    "purge_seq": "0-g1AAAAEzeJzLYWBg4MhgTmHgzcvPy09JdcjLz8gvLskBCjPlsQBJhgNA6v____ezEhnwqnsAUfefkLoFEHX7CalrgKibj1tdkgKQTLLHa2dSAkhNPX41DiA18XjVJDIkyUMUZAEAuYBi9g",
    "update_seq": "1456-g1AAAAE2eJzLYWBg4MhgTmHgzcvPy09JdcjLz8gvLskBCjMlMiTJ____PytxAg4FSQpAMskerGYhLjUOIDXxYDVTcKlJAKmpB6tZhENNHguQZGgAUkBl87MSl-JVtwCibn9WYjtedQcg6u7jdj9E3QOIuv9ZSQwMjDVZAFZfZ6g",
    "sizes": {
      "file": 67196510,
      "external": 65800620,
      "active": 65357308
    "other": {
      "data_size": 65800620
    "doc_del_count": 41,
    "doc_count": 497,
    "disk_size": 67196510,
    "disk_format_version": 7,
    "data_size": 65357308,
    "compact_running": false,
    "cluster": {
      "q": 8,
      "n": 1,
      "w": 1,
      "r": 1
    "instance_start_time": "0",
    "host": "http://localhost:5988/medic/",
    "auto_compaction": false,
    "adapter": "http"

CHT Core Framework > Overview > Data Flows

Overview of data flows in the CHT for analytics, impact monitoring, and data science