CouchDB replication

Settings for downloading copies of data onto a user’s device

Replication is what we call it when users download a copy of the data on to their device.

Restricting replication

If the user has an online role they can access all the data, otherwise they will get restricted access to the data.

Restriction by place

The most common restriction is by place. This is where we check the user’s facility_id property, and allow access to all contacts that are descendants of that place, and all reports and messages that are about one of those descendants.

For example, if a CHP’s facility_id property is set to the ID of the Maori Hill clinic, then they will be able to see all patients and all reports about patients at that clinic.


Sometimes though you want to only access contacts near the top of the hierarchy. This may be because returning all contacts would be too much data to be practical, or for patient privacy, or because it’s just not part of your workflow. In this case you can configure a replication depth for a specific role under replication_depth in the app settings.

In 3.10, we add the ability to limit replication depth for reports, in conjunction with replication depth for contacts. In 4.18, we add the ability to allow replication of primary contacts and their reports at max depth.

Code sample:
  "replication_depth": [
      "role": "district_manager",
      "depth": 1,
      "report_depth": 1
      "role": "supervisor",
      "depth": 1,
      "report_depth": 1,
      "replicate_primary_contacts": true
      "role": "national_manager",
      "depth": 2

See Also: Replication Depth

Contact Depth

Contact depth is calculated relative to the user’s home place, having the user’s facility at depth = 0. Places and contacts that are direct children the facility are on depth = 1, and so on.

For example, considering the following contact hierarchy:

district > health_center > clinic > area > family > patient

a supervisor at health_center level, and the following configuration:

{ "replication_depth": [{ "role": "supervisor_role", "depth": <variable> }]}

The supervisor would download the following contacts and reports, depending on condigured depth:

all reports about health_center
person children of health_center
reports about person children of health_center
all reports about clinic
person children of clinic
reports about person children of clinic
all reports about family
person children of family
reports about person children of family
Report Depth

As of 3.10, report_depth works similarly to depth, but it’s applied to reports (documents with "type": "data_record") alone, excepting reports that are submitted by the authenticated user. It only works in conjunction with depth.

Following the examples above:

{ "replication_depth": [{ "role": "supervisor_role", "depth": <variable>, "report_depth": <variable> }]}

The supervisor would download the following contacts and reports:

Documentsdepth=0depth=1 report_depth=0depth=2 report_depth=0depth=2 report_depth=1depth=2 report_depth=0depth=3 report_depth=1depth=3 report_depth=2
all reports about health_center
children of health_center
reports about children of health_center submitted by supervisor
reports about children of health_center submitted by other users
reports about clinic submitted by supervisor
reports about clinic submitted by other users
Documentsdepth=0depth=1 report_depth=0depth=2 report_depth=0depth=2 report_depth=1depth=2 report_depth=0depth=3 report_depth=1depth=3 report_depth=2
children of clinic
reports about children of clinic submitted by supervisor
reports about children of clinic submitted by other users
reports about family submitted by supervisor
reports about family submitted by other users
children of family
reports about children of family submitted by supervisor
reports about children of family submitted by other users

If report_depth is omitted, the user will have access to all reports about contacts they see.

If report_depth is higher than depth, it has no effect.

If depth is omitted, the rule is invalid and will be ignored.

If a user’s roles match multiple replication_depth entries, the one with the highest depth is selected.

  "replication_depth": [
    { "role": "role1", "depth": 1 },
    { "role": "role2", "depth": 2 },
    { "role": "role3", "depth": 3 }

A user with roles: ["role1", "role2", "role3"] will have a replication depth of 3.

  "replication_depth": [
    { "role": "role1", "depth": 2, "report_depth": 1 },
    { "role": "role2", "depth": 5, "report_depth": 2 },
    { "role": "role3", "depth": 4, "report_depth": 3 }

A user with roles: ["role1", "role2", "role3"] will have a replication depth of 5 and report replication depth of 2.

Replicate primary contacts

As of 4.18.0.
When a replication_depth sets replicate_primary_contacts to true, users with the assigned role will replicate the primary contacts of the places they are allowed to see. Primary contacts are replicated even if they are deeper than these users are allowed to download, and even if these contacts belong to other branches of the hierarchy. The primary contact is treated as if it is at the same depth as the place, and will follow the report replication depth of the place.

For example, considering the following settings:

  "replication_depth": [
      "role": "chw",
      "depth": 2,
      "report_depth": 2,
      "replicate_primary_contacts": true
      "role": "supervisor",
      "depth": 2,
      "report_depth": 1,
      "replicate_primary_contacts": true
  "contact_types": [
    { "id": "level1" },
    { "id": "level2", "parents": ["level1"] },
    { "id": "level3", "parents": ["level2"] },
    { "id": "level4", "parents": ["level3"] },
    { "id": "level5", "parents": ["level4"] },
    { "id": "person", "parents": ["level1", "level2", "level3", "level4", "level5"], "person": true s}

For the configuration above, a user that has the role chw is allowed to replicate contacts 2 levels below their facility and replicate reports for contacts 2 levels below their facility and replicate primary contacts. For a chw at level2, it will replicate contacts at level2, level3 and level4, along with their reports. They will also replicate the primary contact of a place at level4, even if the primary contact is a child of a level5 contact, along with this contact’s reports.

A user that has the supervisor role is allowed to replicate contacts 2 levels below their facility and replicate reports for contacts 1 level below their facility and replicate primary contacts. A supervisor at level2 will replicate the same contacts as the chp role above. Similar to the chp, they will replicate primary contacts for places at level4, but the supervisor users will not replicate the reports of primary contacts because a primary contact of a level4 place has a depth of 2. The supervisor will replicate reports for primary contacts of places at level2 or level3.

Supervisor signoff

Some reports need to be signed off by a supervisor even though that supervisor doesn’t have the depth to see the patient the report is about. To achieve this the report needs a field named needs_signoff with a value of true.

Sensitive documents

We won’t replicate reports that are private and are about the user when the sender is someone the user can’t access. A report is private when it has a property doc.fields.private with a value of true. For example, if a supervisor submits a private report about one of their CHPs, that CHP won’t be able to see it.

Building > Reference > app_settings.json > .replication_depth

Replications: Instructions for replication depth

Building > Quick Guides > Debugging > Production Data

How to copy data from an instance to a local CouchDB database and app