Sharing 4.x Logs

How to easily share logs from your CHT 4.x instance to get support

CHT 4.x moves from a monolithic container MedicOS to discrete containers, each service hosting one service of the CHT. When troubleshooting an issue with your CHT instance, it can be hard to list each container, see it’s status, gather up logs for each container and then share all this information with Medic or other support staff. To ease this pain, a script was written which automates the process.


This assumes you’re running CHT 4.x have access to the command line on the server where it’s running locally or via SSH. While the script will work with CHT 3.x instances, the amount of logs that a docker logs call yields isn’t very helpful. To see more about CHT 3.x logs, see “Investigating logs inside Medic OS”

This guide also assumes you have the CHT Core repo checked out so that you have a copy of the script. If you do not have it checked out, you can manually create a local copy with this curl command:

curl -o
chmod +x

Calling the script

The script defaults to getting the past 24 hours of logs and can be called from anywhere on your system as long as you specify the full path to the script. Here it’s being called from with in the cht-core/scripts directory:


If you’d liked to get more logs than the most recent 24 hours, pass in an argument of hours. Here we’re asking for 2 days worth of logs by using 48 as the argument:

./ 48

Depending on this volume of your logs, this may take a while. This is what the output of the script is when it’s completed:

Wait while the script gathers stats and logs about the CHT containers.
    Be patient, this might take a moment... 



NOTE: Please remove the file when done as it may contain PII/PHI.

The files are saved in your home directory (/home/cht-user/ in this case) and are timestamped with the creation date and timezone offset (2023-02-14T15.04.45-08.00).

You can now share this tar.gz file with support staff as needed. Again, be careful with it as it will contain PII/PHI if you ran this against a production instance.

Archive contents

First, let’s look at the running containers when we called the script by calling docker ps --format '{{.Names}}':


Now if we uncompress the tarball created above and list the contents, it should look very similar when we call cd ~/.medic/support_logs&&tar xzvf cht-docker-logs-2023-02-14T15.04.45-08.00.tar.gz:


There’s one file per container, each with the logs from that container. As well there’s two other files:

  • docker_ps.log - the output of docker ps
  • docker_stats.log - the output of docker stats

Hosting > 4.x > Logs

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Building > Quick Guides > Debugging > Browser and Phone Logs

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