Prerequisites for App Development
Tools and skills needed for developing CHT Applications
This section provides an introduction to CHT Applications, provides some sample CHT Applications, and provides guides and reference materials for those wanting to build a CHT Application or deploy an existing one.
Community Health Toolkit (CHT) Applications are digital health tools built using the CHT Core Framework. The Core Framework provides a foundation on which custom CHT Applications are built. Since all CHT Applications share the same foundation, they also share capabilities and attributes. For example, all CHT Applications share a similar user-interface and share the same look-and-feel. All CHT Applications can be built to scale, can run across a variety of devices, support Offline-First experiences, and support most languages. These baseline capabilities are foundational across all CHT Applications. Read more about this in Why the CHT?.
To create a digital health tool using the Community Health Toolkit, you’ll need to build a CHT Application or re-use an existing CHT Application.
CHT Applications have been built to support a range of health interventions including antenatal care, postnatal care, family planning, integrated community case management of childhood illness, malnutrition, immunization, and epidemic response. CHT Applications have been built to support users at all levels of the community health system including patients, CHWs, CHW supervisors, nurses, health facility staff, program staff, researchers, and policy makers.
Beyond the community-level, data from CHT Applications can integrate and/or interoperate with the broader health system through integrations with software such as OpenMRS, DHIS2, and RapidPro.
Tools and skills needed for developing CHT Applications
Setting up a local environment to build and test CHT 4.x applications
Overview and configuration of workflows in CHT Applications
Managing contacts and users in your CHT Application
Overview and configuration of CHT Contact Summary
Building CHT condition cards
Building block for all CHT apps
Overview and configuration of CHT Targets
Overview and configuration of CHT Tasks
Messaging for care coordination, alerts, and notifications
Overview and configuration of CHT Translations
Building and managing training resources
Exchanging data between the CHT and other health systems
How to build integrations with external software and data sources
Branding in CHT Applications
Overview of features of CHT Applications built with CHT Core
Focused CHT app development guides
A collection of step-by-step tutorials for developing and deploying digital health apps with the CHT
Technical details of CHT app components for app developers
Basic concepts about how CHT applications are built
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