Returns a function for getting a generator that fetches contact identifiers from the given data context.

Error if a data context is not provided

  • Parameters

    Returns (
            | Readonly<{ contactType: string }>
            | Readonly<{ freetext: string }>,
    ) => AsyncGenerator<string, null>

    a function for getting a generator that fetches contact identifiers

      • (
                | Readonly<{ contactType: string }>
                | Readonly<{ freetext: string }>,
        ): AsyncGenerator<string, null>
      • Returns a generator for fetching all contact identifiers that match the given qualifier


        • qualifier: Readonly<{ contactType: string }> | Readonly<{ freetext: string }>

          the limiter defining which identifiers to return

        Returns AsyncGenerator<string, null>

        a generator for fetching all contact identifiers that match the given qualifier

        InvalidArgumentError if no qualifier is provided or if the qualifier is invalid